
Wednesday 24 April 2013

Partial Lunar Eclipse 25th April, 2013

This partial lunar eclipse on the 25th of April, 2013, comes in the week of 'Manifestation', on the 'Day of Substance'. Saturn is in Scorpio and 2013 is also in the North Node of Scorpio. Due to Saturn's influence we are having to cover old ground again, especially with those in the desert where Scorpion's like to live in a very dry atmosphere. We cannot move forward until summertime comes and the Saturn transit moves forward in Scorpio.

I have a lovely painting for this eclipse and it is a painting of the grass roots that are receiving dew from heaven, and that dew is helping the grass roots to manifest into a beautiful ecological flower. The painting shows me it is about the community and how when people work together they blossom together.

This lunar eclipse is also about self-esteem, confidence. Confidence in yourselves to manifest what is required to be manifest. Have courage dear ones, wisdom and courage. On the date of the partial eclipse we have 25. 2+5 = 7, the life number of the spiritual teacher. In Judaism, it is the Zayin. 

25 is also the number of analysis, observation and integrating wisdom from experience. The number 4 of the month is also about physical manifestation; so this is a good time for body work and body therapies.

This lunar eclipse is about gaining new confidence to be who you were born to be. Allowing yourselves to blossom in your communities, so that others can receive the sweet dew from heaven for refreshment and purification.

Mother Earth hears you and so do all of her animals.  Have confidence in Mother Earth she knows what she is doing. Have confidence in the power to manifest, when you come from pure intention, integrity and honor.

The date as a 744 value, and that is the value of 'Brother and Sister', 'United States', 'ELOHIYM lamb of', 'The first lampstand', 'The Father of Truth'.

This verse from the Gospel of Thomas was shown to me yesterday and it feels like it is applicable for this eclipse due to it also pointing towards St George's day that was yesterday in England.

Jesus said, "The Kingdom of the Father is like a man wishing to kill a giant. He drew the sword in his house, he struck it through the wall in order to be assured that his hand would be confident. Then he slew the giant'.

2013 and its north node in Scorpio is about 'Greeting the New', 'Empowerment' and bypassing anything that tries to hold you back.

This video was recommended, and it is an American speaking about this eclipse and the Scorpio full moon. Full moons are not a good time to be out and about, because some people go a little crazy when there is a full moon. Its also not a good time for meditation either. This is a time of transformation of the body manifest. That is why a lot of people are feeling the changes in their bodies, myself included.

This eclipse is to boost your confidence so enjoy the Springtime, that will turn into Summer. In recent days in the lead up to this eclipse I was also asking the people about their reason for living. Whether they know their reason for living, whether they know whether they have divine purpose, whether they know who they are, and if not, why not? Do you know about pre-destination and the contract that you agreed to?

Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are both Scorpio's and here is a post about that from 2011.


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