
Saturday 27 April 2013

CERATO Rosalie

I offered to do a painting for a person and when the painting was ready to be scanned. The LORD said 'Cerato'. It is the name of a flower essence remedy that this person is required to take. Cerato is for people that lack confidence in the decision making process.  Due to life experience their trust has been weakened and that is why they required some advice.

Cerato people can appear 'gullible', require 'approval' and may 'lack concentration.' Their identity feels 'weak' to them and this can lead them to follow the latest trends. This flower essence remedy can bring back the trust in the 'inner voice'. Enhances self-worth and reliance on one's own judgement, and in so doing it brings forth the ability to act more wisely with future projects. Cerato can bring forth a renewed enthusiasm for life and an eagerness to learn. Well that sounds like a good remedy to take; and it is perfectly aligned with this recent partial lunar eclipse.

Now here is the painting, I linked into the person and the color that they had been given. This color is known as a Buddha colour and it is the main colour that I wore when teaching Reiki. Yes, the actions carried out on a Reiki healing course are mentioned in the bible. It is what Jesus and the Apostles did.

The colour is beautiful it reminds me of a peach. If I look at the painting close up, I see muscles, tissues and tendons. The lime yellow is to do with creative forgiveness, and creativity. This person is required to develop their creativeness for aliveness. I see the possibility of anatomic illustration, explaining aspects that have to be explained in a way that people can access it easily. There is a depth to this person and there is more to them than meets the eye on first meeting.

There is a strong connection with the Far Eastern divine feminine energies here; and its healing arts potential. This person is looking at something that has not led them anywhere. They're being asked to stop looking at it, turn around, and look at what is there for you.  Its all in the tissues, sinews, muscles and tendons. Its all there if you just turnaround and look at it. There is some clearing up to do, some dusting, and cleansing. There is some hair around, this could be from a dog, cat, or other family pet. What is integrated to do with anatomy, can also be used to help animals if this person chose to do so.

During our discussion, meridian blockages were mentioned in the legs and legs are to do with the direction and the direction a person as been considering. Being held back for any reason can relate to indecision due to past experiences. The 'Trigger Therapy Workbook' was also recommended as a useful therapy for helping family, friends and other people. We are fully aware that the British government plan to privatize the NHS, and doctors will be outsourcing. In fact, GP's have advised the NHS to slim down or go altogether.

The LORD is also talking to me about a 'Contract' and 'contract races'. That tells me that things are going to happen very quickly indeed. Cerato flower essence can be obtained from Sun Essences in Norfolk or from yours truly. Sun Essences still make the essences by hand in the traditional way. The flowers are also picked in the area that Dr Bach originally worked when he was developing the range.

This is about going for the opportunities as they are shown to you. If the person would like the original artwork for the painting, then please feel free to contact me about it.  This painting had already come to be prior to Cerato being given,  and the color is like the cerato flowers. Its asking this person to look it at from a completely different angle. I see an egg shape, and eggs are to do with protein. The egg is ready, its just waiting for you to get into the right position for the conception to come to be. I am now being given the name 'Rosalie' and that colour is also aligned with the holy mother. [1]


Now look at this, there is an IT company in the UK called 'Cerato'. [2]


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