
Sunday 28 April 2013

Wounded Knee Judgement upon the USA

As we know there are always two sides to every story, the side that the US government tell you and then there is a different truth. I cannot let this one go by, and the LORD as asked me to continue with passing judgements.  Wounded Knee and the Native Americans 'robbed when at peace, starved and angered into war, and then hunted down by the government'. [1] Does it sound familiar and what the British government are doing to the poor of this nation?

The massacre of the Sioux people at 'Wounded Knee' that took place in 1890 is not forgotten, and nor is the plight of the Native American people that still exists today. The land is currently up for sale for $3.9 million. This land must be given immediately to the Native American people. It always was the land of the Native Americans, and it must be given back to them. If not, there will be a very high price to pay. I for one have reached the limit of my patience with the American government, and what a friend of mine called the 'Statesiders'.

The 'Cognitive war' and physical destruction of the Native Americans has been beyond measure. America will reap what it has sown. The spiritual law has an amazing way of working like a boomerang for those that are not beyond its impact. The American people were commanded to work hand-in-hand with the Native Americans.


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