
Saturday 27 April 2013

The White Robes

The book of Revelation mentions a 'Great Multitude in White Robes'. After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. Rev 7:9. NIV

As the LORD said four years ago, 'Not, one hundred thousand, one hundred million Angels'. Its interesting to me that doctors and nurses in the UK do not wear white anymore when they are on duty. However, many people in the Middle East/African Continent/Asia do wear white on a daily basis, and kaftans are back in fashion for this summer in the UK.

That chapter in the book of Revelation also states 'Then one of the elders asked me, "These in white robes-who are they, and where did they come from? I answered, "Sir, you know." And he said, "These are they who have come out of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb'. Rev 7:13-14

As we know blood is about life. As such, this has happened during the life of the Lamb. We also know that the 'tribulation' lasts for ten days in Rev 2. Ten days = ten years. If we look back over the last ten years from now, we are really talking about the era of 9/11, the war in the Middle East that followed it, and the harmonic concordance that took place in November 2003.

The palm branches are mentioned in the book of Leviticus and it is for rejoicing for seven days. Temporary shelters are made with palm branches in the book of Nehemiah. In the book of John, the palm branches are to do with the rejoicing of the fact that Jesus had been sent in the name of the LORD. John 12:13

When I was in Israel in 2006, I was given a divine message for my hosts 'House of Palms'.

Nostradamus also gave a prophecy about the palm branch and the palm is a symbol of victory. Yesterday, I also shared how important Jesus has been to the defence of Israel. The fact that he was born on the land of Israel, made Israel the holiest Christian site in the world. As such, the Christians will always defend it; because they are defending the sacred land where Jesus walked. The pilgrimage to Israel should be made by every true Christian at least once in their life. You have to go there and experience it for yourselves. The awesomeness of walking where he walked, especially at the Sea of Galilee and on Mount Carmel. Let's face it, if it wasn't for the Lute of Lovingkindness, the Son of God, the world would have no interest in Israel. The sooner that orthodox Jewish people accept that, the better it will be for them. For it is written in Psalm 92, that it is the combination of the Lute of Loving Kindness and the Harp of Faithfulness that has the resounding impact on the third reality.


Because of the stormy seas, the strange ship will approach an unknown port.
notwithstanding the signals of the branch of palm.
After death, pillage: good advice given late.

Now in Surah 36 it is written, 'We have appointed mansions, until she returns like an old shriveled palm leaf'. This indicates a woman that is either in or gone past the menopause. Hence being wrinkled and or shrunken in size.

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