
Friday 31 May 2024


Richard Tice is standing as a Reform UK party candidate for Boston and Skegness, in Lancashire, if elected he would be a great MP for the area. Richard Tice is the leader of the Reform party. Time for boots on the ground and the Reform party also require donations to support their candidates. 

The difference between America and the UK is that in America, Americans really get behind their candidates, financially and every other way that people can help. 

This video is a live stream of the rally today. 20,000 people watched this live stream. 


 (Washington, DC) - Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the unprecedented prosecution of President Donald Trump by Democrats in New York:

"Pure corruption. Judicial Watch denounces this absurd verdict and Soviet-style criminal proceeding that has so abused President Trump. What just happened to Trump up in New York is criminal. 

The guilty verdict against Trump is no surprise considering the rigged, kangaroo court proceedings run by biased, conflicted judge and unethical, politicised Democratic Party prosecution team. Today, is a terrible day for the rule of law that will go down in infamy. This whole process is compromised, and this verdict should be overturned in an emergency fashion. 

The evidence shows that Trump committed no crimes, and this is a prosecution about "nothing". This and other Democratic Party-political prosecutions of Trump are an abomination under law and are destablizing to our nation". 

You can read more of Tom's press release/statement on this link provided.

Carl Benjamin (UK) responds to the case and its verdict. 

'TRUMP MUST WIN" and in just six minutes he explains the important reasons why. 

Thursday 30 May 2024


Denmark protects the Danish people, country and culture. Denmark took a completely different way to stop the mass immigration because the Danish people rose up against mass immigration and refused to vote for any party that would support mass immigration. The will of the Danish people won through to stop their people being replaced. 


Paul Saladino MD became known as the carnivore doctor and published a book about it in 2019. He now says he has quit the carnivore diet and has included other foods into his diet. In this video he explains the reason why. He now includes some carbs, honey, fruit and dairy. 

I've been on a low carb, high protein for 22 years. Although since February 2023, I reduced some of the foods in my diet that were high oxalate e.g. I don't have potatoes on a weekly basis anymore, I only have a little once or twice a month. Has I am doing my utmost to clear my body of oxalates. I've increased dairy in my diet because that helps to excrete the oxalates that build up in the body during the lifetime. 


Professor Matthew Goodwin shares with Winston Marshall, how mass immigration fuels Britain's housing crisis. "You can have mass immigration or you can have affordable housing, you can't have both". 

Wednesday 29 May 2024


Text with the video. "Thetford Council Watch as they hold Thetford Town Council accountable for their decision to declare a climate crisis without public or scientific evidence. Discover the concerning lack of transparency surrounding this declaration and the implications it holds for the community. Uncover the controversial move by the council to allocate funds for a security company to monitor meetings, stifling resident voices in moments of demand for accountability. 

Explore the dynamics at play and the impact on community engagement and governance. Tune in for eye-opening discussion on the actions of Thetford Town Council and the importance of transparency in local decision making. "


Professor Matthew Goodwin (Kent University) provides 10 charts on Britain's Immigration Crisis, these charts include ONS stats. 

Monday 27 May 2024


The Scottish Covid 19 Inquiry is different to the one that was held in London. The Scottish Inquiry appears to be more focussed on witnesses and patients. 

This witness is Neil Craig, a hospital porter and Unite union rep was working in a hospital in Glasgow. During his testimony he told the inquiry that our hospitals were half empty. 

I found the same at a local hospital in England, I had to take a neighbour to A&E a couple of times. The only lights that were on was in A&E, the rest of the hospital was in complete darkness and there were no more than 4 or 5 people in A&E too. 

Another testimony from the Scottish Covid 19 Inquiry. Pamela Thomas, her brother died in hospital. 


This is a message to Ireland's new arrivals. Ireland belongs to the Irish and you are guests of the government and we cannot house the world. 


Sunday 26 May 2024


With a general election on the 1st July, in the UK. Pollster, Professor Matthew Goodwin is interviewed by Will Kingston. Matt discusses the rise of the new elites and the fall of British politics. 

Mathew tried to tell the politicians the difference between them and the voters and how far apart they are in their requirements. Has the years have gone by, the British politicians have gone further and further away from the people e.g. "they're out of touch". In fact, local politicians never knock on our doors to chat. For instance the last time I was invited to a meeting by a politician was in 2013, and the Conservatives didn't like being called out, they like echo chambers. 



Dissident, Masih Alinejad, author from Iran is living in America under protection? Winston Marshall interviews Masih, she tells Winston the harsh truth about the Iranian regime and that her life is even in danger in America. The American government have warned her 31 times that her life is at risk. 


The Hebron story continues. 

Scripture tells us that all the tribes of Israel congregated in Hebron for David when he was anointed David King over Israel. The book of Genesis mentions that Abram lived near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron. The sons of King David were also born in Hebron, six sons were born there. 

Although the video above features more recent history, the last 200 years of Hebron. 

Saturday 25 May 2024


The planets are aligned for electoral reform and there is only one party with REFORM in its title competing in the general election in the UK on the 4th July, 2024. In America, July 4th is Independence Day. It is also the "Day of Group". 

So what are the group of Daily Mail readers saying today in the polls? 

13,841 have voted in the poll. 

Labour 18% 

Conservatives 30% 

Reform UK 41% 

Green 2%

SNP 1%

Others 5%

So could both of the main parties get smashed by Reform? Anything is possible. The Daily Mail voters are committed voters, average age 56, high % of women, and more women vote than men do. The Daily Mail has the highest paid-for circulation amongst the nationals. 

There are certainly a lot of people that don't feel inspired by Sunak or Starmer and they're both members of WEF. Starmer even said that he prefers Davos to parliament. Professor Mathew Goodwin said that 3 out of 12 people don't even know who Starmer is. However, they would soon find out if he got in because he would raise taxes again. The last time the Labour Party were in power they introduced over 100 stealth taxes and sold our gold to prop up the Euro. 

Personally, I think it will be a hung parliament because a lot of people are against the Labour Party policies that include increasing tax, and a lot of people don't like the Labour Party. Bearing in mind that taxes are already the highest they've ever been during my life time. Plus a majority of the  motorists don't like the Green agenda implemented by Labour Mayor, Sadiq Khan. 

Labour have thrown out Jeremy Corbyn and he is going to stand has an independent in Islington north, I wouldn't vote for him either, he's friends with Hamas and Hezbollah, Corbyn has been on the "anti-Israel", "anti-Jewish", protests in London. 

A lot of people have had enough of the what has become known as the UNIPARTY, Tories and Labour, taking it in turn to rule the roost. People are ready for real change to save our country from the globalists. Could both parties get smashed? The planets are aligned for electoral reform, and Reform are all up for reforming the electoral system to make sure the voters are properly represented. 

Reform are also saying that they would raise the tax threshold to £20,000 and that would definitely be a vote winner for young people, young families, and pensioners. 

I do think that only Reform UK would seriously bring down the immigration stats, they would be strong on law and order, as well as the NHS. The co-deputy leader of Reform is a doctor and he worked in the NHS, Dr David Bull. Who better to reform the NHS but a doctor?

Reform UK "Healthcare Needs Reform".

Reform NHS Policy to bring down waiting lists to zero within 2 years. They also include plans for after that too.


This is a short clip of East Finchley yesterday. The lefty anti-Israel protestors had covered the front of a cinema in red, (that's a crime in the UK), the cinema were showing a film of the October 7. The Jewish people were not "intimidated", by the actions of the anti-Jewish protestors. The Jewish community came out in force, has scripture says, Zion defends. 

Eventually, the lefties were led back to the tube station from whence they came, by the police, clearly, they didn't live in East Finchley, they'd come from outside the area. They looked seriously baffled that so many Jewish people had congregated, for the first time the student activists were outnumbered. It is estimated that there were around 1,000 British Jews that had come out. 

Finchley in north London is close to my heart. Has a child my parents and I used to go swimming in the area. Has a teen, I used to go horse riding there, I even lived in Finchley for a time. My parents are buried in Finchley, with their parents and other relatives and ancestors. 

So this is home turf that must be respected by all. There is a large Jewish community in East Finchley, they have always lived peacefully, unlike some other communities. 

Interesting that this happened after the 2nd Passover in Judaism. Pesach Sheni was on the 21st/22nd of May. 

Love to Israel, love to the Jewish people and friends in East Finchley, it was awesome to see so many of you. 

Friday 24 May 2024


Carl Benjamin lays out five basic points of agreement upon the British right could come together to form a coherent political movement. 

There was an interesting poll on-line at the Daily Mail yesterday and so far 7742 people have voted in the poll. At this point in time Labour 14%, Tories 28%, Liberal Democrats 3%, Reform 48%, Greens 1%, SNP 0%, Other 4%. 

The Daily Mail does have a high readership of women and is the highest paid circulation out of all of the nationals. The majority of the audited readership are ABC1, an average age of 56, the majority are also property owners. However, I don't think those stats include their on-line readership. What we can say is that people that voted in that poll are people that are definitely going to vote in a general election and have taken the time to vote in the poll with their intentions.

Has written previously, I don't think it is going to be a landslide victory for Labour, there are still a lot of undecided voters that don't feel inspired by either Sunak or Starmer who are both members of WEF. Numerous people told the Daily Mail reporter that they weren't interested in the election, young people more interested in their holidays and the Euro's. Some said they felt "politically homeless". 

The political landscape of different candidates is quite complex, and I do think that ultimately this will be the immigration election, I agree with Richard Tice.  The reason being that mass immigration is at the core of a majority of the infrastructure issues, infrastructure that includes the NHS, schools housing and roads that just can't cope with the soaring population every year. 

The two-party system could certainly get smashed in this election, if it is the will of the people to do so and I think it is amongst many of the working class that have lived through years of the two-party system that has let everyone down. 

I still remember Tony Blair the warmonger, that took us to war in Iraq. I still remember Gordon Brown selling off the countries gold to prop up the Euro, and his introduction of over 100 stealth taxes. 

Immigrants have been flying in for decades and just staying because our border controls and institutions were not robust enough. So for instance, there has been a recent case of a man that flew in from a Commonwealth country in 1977, and never applied for British citzenship, he has now been told to leave the country. 

The 4th of July is the "Day of Group" and the planets are aligned for electoral reform, electoral reform is certainly something the Liberal Democrats and the Reform party would like so see happen. PPR. 

What is really important is that people go out and vote on the 4th July, 2024. 

Thursday 23 May 2024


The general election announced yesterday, 4th July, 2024. I did say that it would be a summer election that would be announced after the May council elections. Hence, not surprised that it was announced yesterday. It makes much more sense to have a summer election. 

I don't think it will be a landslide for Labour, there are still a lot of people that still remember the mass immigration that Tony Blair started when be opened the floodgates and over 100 stealth taxes that Gordon Brown introduced, plus he sold a large amount of the countries gold to prop up the Euro.  Some of the reasons that taxes are so high. 

The Tories should have provided the compensation for the WASPI women and resolve the compensation for all other issues that are in the news. They should have also raised the thresholds for paying tax. 

The battlegrounds are the huge amount of people that don't usually vote, those that are undecided about who to vote for -  because they don't like Tory or Labour. Then there is those that say they are "politically homeless". 

David Davies speaks to the Daily Telegraph. 12mins 

Reform have had their press conference this morning, this was filmed by Mahyar Tousi TV. Reform didn't have candidates for all of the local elections and very few got elected. However, in the general election, Reform having candidates standing in all areas for the general election. 

The 4th of July is the "Day of Group". 

Monday 20 May 2024


Migrant Watch -v- Social Care Visas and the chaos in the Healthcare industry due to the Home Office handing out visas without thorough vetting. People in care homes have died due to it. When the Chief Medical Officer requested that the English test must be upgraded to include medical terminology, the Home Office replied it was too difficult to do that. 

Outrageous isn't it that people coming to work in the care sector don't even comprehend medical terminology to enable care workers to communicate with NHS 111 and people have died because of it, they didn't he understand the words "Bleeding". "Breathing", "Alive". 

Plus at lot more has been published in reports. "People are not a commodity, without love they become so". Jesus Christ spoke those words to yours truly. Yet, governments have used people has commodities that they can import, instead of paying our own people a proper wage to do the job, and train our own people to care for our people. 

We anticipate that there will be deportations of people that came in on those visas without the qualifications to do the job. They will have to leave our country. 

90% of the housing crisis is due to mass immigration, that's why people can't find and affordable homes. 67% of the rented accommodation in London is occupied by foreign nationals. 

Nearly 50% of social housing is occupied by foreign nationals. That's why there is a housing crisis, it is not because there isn't enough houses, it is because there is far too much immigration. 


Julian Assange has won his court case at the High Court in London today. He has won his bid to appeal against extradition to the US.

His wife, calls for the US to drop the case, so that Julian Assange can go free, unite with his wife, children and family. He has been held in Belmarsh high security prison for five years, and has been incarcerated for 14 years. Enough is enough, he must be allowed to go free. 


Yesterday it was said that this is the first court case where it felt like the judges were actually listening to the case, for the first time it felt like a proper court. Winning his bid to appeal the extradition, is a big step in gaining his freedom. Justice for Julian Assange, the truth teller. 

There is a gathering at Piccadilly Circus later on this afternoon, everyone is welcome. 


Just prior to cooking dinner on the 19th of May, I received a message "MIRACLE", then after dinner I saw that the rain in Iran was turning to snow. 

British-Iranian, Mahyar Tousi. Tousi TV shared that it doesn't snow in Iran in May, but it is snowing now. The Iranian Red Crescent official says worsening weather conditions are complicating search and rescue efforts. 

On the evening of the 19th of May, Iranians were celebrating outside the Iranian embassy in London. 

In Iran, Iranians were celebrating with fireworks. The Iranian people long for their freedom from the oppression of the brutal Islamic regime upon their lives. It certainly would be a miracle if what the freedom in their hearts desire comes to be. 

Some say that the helicopter crash is "Divine Justice". The helicopter was made in America, it was a 50 year old helicopter and it was flying over rocky terrain. 

This journalist gives a summary about the "tyrant" that was known as the "Butcher of Tehran". Not only was he brutal towards the Iranian people, Iran has been funding terrorism around the world and it includes Hezbollah and Hamas. 

Sunday 19 May 2024


Sky takes a look at the transit of Jupiter in Gemini the twins and it begins on 25th May, although some of you may have felt these energies coming in already. Jupiter being the planet of expansion, Jupiter is joyful. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the mercurial messenger. 

Gemini's have photographic brains. I have a Gemini moon sign and the moon is under my left foot. The scar was gained during childhood, after stepping on a broken glass in the river Medway. I also have Gemini in my 6th and 7th house. In addition in my chart I have Jupiter in Gemini in my birth chart. 

Jupiter in Gemini people find that communicating comes naturally, and so it not surprising that my first career was in the creative communications industry and my second career included public speaking.  

They are curious people that like to learn and experience, adaptable and flexible individuals that enjoy sharing what they know, they enjoy teamwork too.  They can be good at teaching, writing, any field that requires quick thinking and versatility. Hence, they are quick to respond to an audience and any questions when teaching. 

Individuals that are best at communicating what they know and have learnt during their lives.  Hence, when they learn something new and expansive, they are eager to share, in fact, I would say compelled to share. When these people are on the right track, aspects of their lives do run very smoothly, Jupiter is a very supportive planet. If you have Jupiter in Gemini in your chart, you may well feel that all the stars are aligned for you at this time. 

This transit will last until the 9th of June 2025, so we are talking just over a year to benefit from these energies. Hence, it is a good year to finish any writing projects and communicate what you know. 


Friday 17 May 2024


Sadiq Khan should be reported to the police for his "defamation" of Donald Trump and if I was Trump I'd sue him. Any chance we can revoke Sadiq Khan's citizenship and send him packing? Shouldn't the Home Office be taking action against Sadiq Khan for his "extreme protest" and "verbal persecution" of a former President of the United States of America?

So how many postal votes did he get? He certainly didn't get a majority of Londoners voting for him. Sadiq Khan is so unlikeable. I think he's got small man syndrome. Has he got nothing better to do than target Donald Trump? As the Police and Crime Commissioner for London, he should be stopping crime. Free school dinners won't stop the crime city of the UK, that London has become. 

Remember Khan's feud, 4 years ago.


I received a dream of rock stars this morning and they were all laughing and having a good time. 

There were about 12 of them sitting at a long dining table. Johnny Depp was with them and at the end of the table was a local businessman from our town. They were having some kind of celebration and meet-up. 

The venue was on two levels and where they were dining was on a higher level. Some of them had their backs to us facing the guys on the other side of the table. 

Everyone in the venue was having a good time, the large room looked like it was round. After dinner, Depp came over to the floor level and sat on a couch, where women were sitting, and the woman on his right was all over him. 

It feels like they have been planning something big because the local businessman has only ever done anything in a big way. 

In dream interpretation, a large room like that can indicate coming changes. To dream of famous people is directional, and telling you that you are to keep on trying has you will get help from an unexpected source. 

A restaurant can signify pleasant social activities and Johnny definitely looked happy and enjoying himself in England. He can move freely, relaxed and peaceful. The businessman was smiling too. 

In dream interpretation men can be symbolic of business and women can be symbolic of relationships and both were in the venue. 

Johnny recently attended the premiere of the film Jeanne Du Barry in London. 


Dana Abuqamar, a 19 year old law student at the University of Manchester has decided to appeal the Home Office revoking her student visa. Dana is the president of the Manchester Friends of Palestine and she "glorified the terrorism" against the Jewish people on October 7. 

It wasn't just Jewish people that were attacked either there were other foreign nationals killed and taken hostage that day. 4,000 "terrorists" were involved in the attack on October 7. 

When a person is given a visa, that person is a guest on our country and that does not give guests the right to oppose our country or protest against it. A student visa does not give you the right to engage in "extreme political activism". 

In fact, a report is with the government that outlines what should be done to tackle such actions carried out in our country. "inciting violence", glorifying and supporting "terrorism", is a crime in the UK. That is why the visa was revoked by the Home Office. 

Three years ago, the government commissioned a report on tackling "extreme protest groups". The advisor to the government, a former Labour MP, Lord Walney, has recommended a new category for proscribing these groups and they include Palestine Action, Just Stop Oil and Youth Demand. 

Lord Walney has made 40 recommendations and it includes "extreme protest restriction orders", it will restrict their right to assemble and to raise funds. Palestine Action have also been reported to the police by ministers.

Foreign students are meant to study, not use their study time to be activists for a foreign land, whether you came from that foreign land or not. 

A spokesperson for the Home Office said "under the Immigration Rules, entry clearance and permission to enter or stay must be cancelled if the person's presence in the UK is not conducive to the public good. 

Behaviour deemed non-conducive to the public good includes instances where people have engaged in unacceptable or extremist behaviour, such as activity which fosters hatred which may lead to inter-community violence, or where the person is associated or has been associated with people involved in terrorism",

Dana Abuqamar, you forgot that you have been a guest in our country and guests can be told to leave the country. In fact, even citizenship can be revoked, not only student visas. We have a saying in England, don't bite the hand that fed you. You should not receive any public funds in legal to fund your appeal either. 

Thursday 16 May 2024


This is a lovely short 12 minute film on the ancient English footpath. Lovely photography, music and narrator. England's green pastures. We have signs on public footpaths, some give directions to local villages and how far they are from where you are standing. 

Our English countryside. Highways of the forgotten. Much of our countryside, in the rural areas, ancient pathways link from village to village. 


The Lord's have made an amendment to the law for common land, that means that the government is taking common land under their control. That means that the government can build on it. Dartmoor has been a National Park since 1951. It is the home and habitat for many rare species of wildlife. 

The people have continually farmed on the land since the Bronze age. This is a farmer that farms on the land. 

Wednesday 15 May 2024


Novara Media contributing editor and host of its podcast "Novara Live", Michael Walker has been deleting his outrageous anti-Israel tweets. One of the tweets was posted on the day of the Hamas attack upon civilians, October 7th, 2024. 

In response to Michael Walker, fact number 1, Israel does not occupy Gaza and Hamas did not have the right to do what they did on October 7. 

Fact number 2, the UN, UNRWA, Hamas is UNRWA. Hamas is recognised has a terror organisation and is banned in the UK. When will you accept the truth? 

In response to the 3rd tweet on X, he admits that Israel have guided missiles that would enable them to only hit military targets. Although he would like Hamas terrorists to have the same capability, is he insane? Michael, the Gazans are Arabs, I suggest that you have a discussion with Son of Hamas because he would totally disagree with you. 

There was a time when the majority of the people living in Gaza were Christians, it used to be 70%, most of those have left Gaza since then. Has I understand it there were also 8,000 Jewish people that left in 2005 in a land swop with the Arabs. Only 20% of the Gazans were Muslim Arabs. 

Guido Fawkes wrote "People always keep the receipts". Guido Fawkes provides a good blog on politicians and the issues of the day, it is worth a look. Guido Fawkes definitely keeps the receipts.

Has Michael Walker and his team ever been to the Middle East, and or walked upon the land of Israel? Israel is a beautiful country, I highly recommend people visit it at least once in a lifetime. I was fortunate to go twice. 


Winston Marshall argues that populism is not a threat to democracy, but rather it is democracy itself in a debate at the Oxford Union. During his superb speech, Nancy Pelosi is in the audience sitting on the other side of the debate. 

Pelosi was indeed triggered by Winston Marshall, he slated the Liberal Democrats, eloquently. Absolute brilliance, what an awesome young man. 14mins 

Monday 13 May 2024


American, Dennis Prager said, "Everything the left touch they destroy".  Steven Edginton from The Telegraph is joined by Mr Prager to discuss the threats to Western civilisation. A 53 minute discussion on the subject matter. 

Happy Birthday Israel

76 years today, since the powerful historical moment came to be when the State of Israel was declared in 1948, and the Jewish people's long-awaiting dream to regain their autonomy in their ancestral and indigenous homeland because a reality. 

Historic film footage of that day on this short clip. 


Justin Trudeau's half brother speaks to Tucker Carlson, he says "Justin is not a free man". He is a "Salesman for the pharmaceutical industry". 


Trudeau is one of the western leaders that should be on trial and convicted at Nuremberg. 

Sunday 12 May 2024


On the 15th April, 2024, I received a dream that I had found my original car and house keys that I haven't been able to find for a year.

Today, while in the kitchen on the worktop there were two sets of keys looking at me, both of them sitting together. Just like the dream, I am really pleased, has I was baffled at what I could have done with one of the sets of keys. I think one of the sets of keys must have been in a side pocket of a cross body bag, and maybe I had only checked two of the zip pockets last year instead of three. 

Although it doesn't really matter where they were now that I've found them. It does signify the accuracy of the dream received. Dreams can be really awesome. 


Young Kaleb Cooper is a serious role model for young people and British work ethics. He was working at age 12 and bought his own tractor when he was 15 years old from his earnings.

Kaleb began working at a dairy farm and his mum bought him chickens instead of technology after he decided to become a farmer at age 12. At age 14 he had 450 chickens. 

At age15 he owned his own tractor and was running his own contracting business on top of selling his eggs from his chickens. His mum must be so proud of him. It is a wonderful story of a youngster with a lot of self-initiative, get up and go. 

Youth with strong work ethics will always make a success of their lives. He was also blessed to find himself with a job with Jeremy Clarkson, you can see that Jeremy loves his Farm Manager, like a son. 


Kaleb has also brought out a song to raise money for charity, has been on a one a man tour, he has even written a book. He deserves all the success in the world. 


I received another dog dream this morning, a dog managed to reach the other side of a calm sea and then it was taken back again on some type of small boat or dingy. 

The dog did look Eastern European and there has been a temporary ban implemented by the British government on bringing in dogs from Eastern Europe. The reason being that there are far too many sick street dogs that have been rescued and they have been bringing in different diseases to our country. 

Our vets have written about the health issues with these dogs, I've even heard of reports whereby some vets have refused to treat the dogs. 

Are dogs being returned to Eastern Europe and refused entry to the UK, the dream could indicate that is indeed the case. 

The dog was swimming in the calm sea at the start of the dream and was returned on a boat. 

In dream interpretation if you observe someone else swimming, the meaning varies depending on whether it was male or female. If female it means good luck in love, if male it means good luck in business. Seeing a boat can indicate profitable ventures. 

Nigel Farage was also in the dream and he was all for the returning of the foreign dog. 

Dreaming of someone famous is to encourage you to keep on trying because you will get help from an unexpected source. 

Saturday 11 May 2024


There's a big fuss over Joost Klein being disqualified from the Eurovision song contest. However, those commenting on it don't realise that the police are investigating a complaint against him. The person that reported him to the police is a member of the production crew.

Apart from that I didn't like his act or his attitude, so I'm not surprised that there was an incident after the semi-finals. 

Reading many comments in response to the disqualification, many people are refusing to watch the show due to it being an LGBT fest. LGBT have swamped the Eurovision contest, they're not minorities at the Euro's. Some are asking for the UK to be disqualified due to the act, others are disgusted by the Irish entry. 

I could say the same about the Finnish entry. Their song includes no rules, well there are rules that must be obeyed. That's why student agitators are getting their student visas revoked in American and the UK. 


Police investigation is completed, the case has been referred to the court. Some are saying that he punched a Swedish female member of the production crew. However, let the truth be known, has it was being filmed at the time, whilst he specifically asked not to be filmed. The court is bound to be given the film of the incident has evidence, there were also witnesses to give their testimony in a court of law. 


 Level 5 solar storm + 7th X-Flare Blasts Earth. 

1min update from Ben at Suspicious Observers. 

Elon Musk has posted about it, he says Starlink satelites are under a lot of pressure but holding up so far.


NET ZERO, Alan Miller from the Together Declaration says, "No one was ever specific about what it meant". The Green billionaires, Davos, WEF, plan on stopping all flights and all shipping. Although Alan shares even more than that. 


Economists thought that a higher population would manifest higher GDP per person. Nope, high population of unskilled workers and people that cannot or unwilling to work. Reduces GDP per person. 

The other detrimental impact upon the economy is the fact that 90% of the housing crisis is caused by immigrants. 67% of rented accommodation in London is rented to immigrants, and nearly 50% of social housing is housing foreign nationals. 

The Bank of England admit that the housing crisis is caused by soaring immigration. There are not enough properties for everyone, we are could never build enough houses for everyone, because our country is overpopulated. Hence, we now see tents being erected with migrants in them. What on earth made the migrants think that there were lovely new houses waiting for them when they arrived on our soil? Nope, there isn't even enough properties now for the indigenous British due to immigrants that are in the properties that were meant for British people. 

David Cameron, when he was PM, told parliament that anyone earning less than £36,000 a year would have to leave the country. Suella Braverman increased it to £38,000, so how many have been told to leave the country? 

If anything Gen X and Z should complain and protest about - it is against immigration instead of for it. 

Has far as the EU is concerned, BREXIT is starting to pay off, our GDP is higher than the EU. Mass immigration didn't work out too well for the EU either. In the Netherlands they found that non-western immigration had cost their economy millions every year since the 90s. It has cost their country billions. 

The same in the UK, it has cost our people billions. Only now are governments, banks and the media willing to admit it to the general public. 


GEN Z have been mollycoddled, trigger warnings and safe spaces. Now three-quarters of them say they would face a mental breakdown if confronted with an unexpected £300 expense because they didn't save anything for a rainy day, as we were taught to do. How do they cope with the high cost of student fees, because they are a lot higher than that.

A majority of my generation didn't go to university because our parents couldn't afford to send us, we were sent to work to help support the family financially, like our ancestors did. I had three part-time jobs at age 13, at that age, I was saving up to buy my own clothes and shoes. 

At age 15, I was working full-time six days a week and sometimes worked a couple of evenings too. Teenagers have a lot of energy and work is healthy for them mind, body and soul. The earlier they experience the real outside world, the faster they learn to cope with it. 

My generation were taught "Waste not, want not". 

The Gen Z generation (1995-2008) most were born with Pluto in Sagittarius, one of the reasons they tend to spend a lot on travelling and holidays instead of saving. Sagittarius is the traveller. Hence, they're more inclined to desire to work abroad or study abroad. 

The generations prior (1971-83) Gen X many were born with Pluto in Libra,  Libra like harmonious colours and balance in their lives. Millennials were born (1983-95) they were born with Pluto in Scorpio, they're very secretive.



Friday 10 May 2024


Florida expels and arrests students, protestor's are being put on the no fly list. Gov Ron DeSantis takes action. Even non-students are involved in these protests and some are being bused in, they're "trouble-makers", "agitators" and the silent majority won't put up with the 'hatred" being spewed by these so-called protestors. 

In England two students have had their visas revoked and told to leave the country. They haven't protested about Sudan or the Christians slaughtered in Nigeria. It's clear that what they're doing is political and only anti-Israel. Enough is enough! Rishi Sunak is having meetings with university leaders too. 

American companies have also said that they won't employ any of these agitators either. Actions in life have consequences. They will reap what they sow. 

Thursday 9 May 2024


A lovely article from a former Eurovision song winner about the young 20 year old, Eden Golan representing Israel. I did listen to her song and watch her performance, for one so young Eden is a talented singer and performer, beautiful.

Keep the light of hope in your heart Eden Golan with the utmost dignity. 

2nd Semi-final of the Eurovision Song Contest, Eden Golan with her song "Hurricane". 

May all of her dreams come true, a star is born. 


A good appraisal from the Jerusalem Post journalist, 12th May, 2024.


A Jerusalem Post features a UN Watch report whereby a former UNRWA employee Haitham al-Sayyed ran the chatroom that exposed the agency's theft and selling of aid. He had created several chat rooms for staff and educators to share posts. He worked for UNRWA for nearly two decades that report states. 

You read the article on this link.

Wednesday 8 May 2024


The boss of British Gas says every household should be forced to have a smart meter installed to meet net zero targets. British Gas is a subsidiary of Centrica. The CEO is Chris O'Shea, and the MD for UK Home is Matthew Bateman.

No way! No to Smart Meters, Smart Meters are very unhealthy for you and they cost a lot too. 


Why you should say NO to a Smart Meter.


The New Culture Forum on St George's day, sounded the drum for the return of Sir Francis Drake to save England again. Rafe Heydel-Mankoo, shares his view of the "Battle for Young Minds". He shares that the youth of today don't even know who Winston Churchill is. 

Rafe Heydel-Mankoo is an historian and royal commentator. Broadcaster, lecturer and writer. His recent book is titled, "State of Emergency".



The Duran with the latest report on Russia and Ukraine. The Duran share with us that Russia's economy is booming and it is Zelenskyy's political term is up in a month. 


In the dream that I received of Zelenskyy, he was told that he must make friends with Russia. 


I'm dreaming of exercising now, the exercises that I do when I go to the health club to swim. I exercise while in the swimming pool. In dream interpretation, dreaming of exercising can mean good luck if you enjoyed it and I do enjoy going. I have a swim, exercise, jacuzzi, and sauna. This dream is directional and is advising to keep going, it is doing you good. It is mainly exercise for my legs, feet and hips. 

If you felt tired after the exercise in the dream of exercising, it is telling you not to force anything. 

I try to go the health club at least twice a week and I was there swimming and exercising yesterday. I'm fortunate that it is close-by at a hotel, quite a few elderly people go. 

Today, the dog and I going to the beach in the sunshine and then for lunch with a friend. 

Have a great day, have a great new moon in Taurus, have a positive dream. 


Rick Levine, what's happening is real with this new moon in Taurus. Something that is happening that is fixing things and solidifies and stabilises.

Tuesday 7 May 2024


 Steve Judd shares some insights on the new moon tomorrow in Taurus, an earth sign. 

The dog and I off to the beach tomorrow, he likes to go to the beach and always enjoys it. Hence a day of new beginnings is a good day to go to the beach to launch it. 

My gran Sophia used to love to go to the seaside with me. She would say, "breathe in the sea air, this is living it up". We would sing has we skipped and walked upon the promenade. Such lovely memories grandparents can give. 

My parents loved to be close to the beach too, it was their time together, to switch off from the world and enjoy time in nature. 


1,000's walked peacefully through London today, in remembrance of Holocaust Day. Calling for the return of the hostages held by Hamas. Has you can see no requirement for barriers or police out in force. 

No mention of it in the MSM, they're more interested in the Met Gala in NYC, than this on the streets of London. 

The Jewish Chronicle have covered it. Yom HaShoah.

Interesting that I received a message from the heavenly Father this morning, "You are my daughter". 


Serco are given huge contracts by the government, in this podcast provided by Lotus Eaters they discuss the conflict of interests. Serco already rent 7,000 properties for migrants, (and they're looking for more) they are properties that are taken off the market for five years. One of the reasons that foreign investors are buying up new builds. More reason why people find it difficult to find an affordable property to rent. 

Serco are also involved in border control and the running of the prisons. 


The Daily Telegraph report that British households are suffering the longest drop in living standards in the G7, as the economy fails to keep up with population growth, the latest ONS data shows. 

High population growth = lowest living standards, the cost of mass immigration. ONS stats show that GDP per person has declined. The UK was the second highest population growth in the G7. The same applies to Canada with the highest population growth. 

The lefties like mass immigration don't they? The trade unions knew this would happen in the 70s, which is why they were against joining the EU. However, it is not just people from EU countries that have contributed to the decline in living standards, it is the mass migration from Commonwealth countries. 

The farmers told the Daily Mail that they're feeding 100M people in the UK, that is far higher than ONS stats. People think that they can just fly into the UK and stay due to weak border control, spineless governments and a lefty justice system. The Labour Party won't be any better than the Tories either, it was Tony Blair that opened the floodgates. 

Monday 6 May 2024


Dr Taylor Marshall has reported on a YT live stream this evening that 17 Catholic leaders have published a document calling for Pope Francis to resign or to be declared deposed by the College of Cardinals. He also claims that he knows some of the cardinals.

The charge against Pope Francis is "tyranny" and "heresy" and "crimes". 

Do remember that it was Pope Francis that told Catholics to take the Covid injections and said it was an "act of love".

I didn't take the injections, I received a warning dream in September 2019, (the dream included China and America) has soon as news about Covid began, after we turned into 2020, I was given the word "nanotechnology", then I began research on it in-depth. I posted a blogpost on it when I received the message. 

Edward Dowd reported this year that excess deaths are running at 40% and the insurance industry know about it. Hence, Pope Francis has blood on his hands for telling people to take the injections.  Jesus Christ the miracle worker would never tell anyone to take Nanotechnology mRNA into their bodies. 

On the 3rd of April, 2024, it was reported that the Pope said "Some ask me if I'm planning to resign. It's possible, but for the moment I don't feel the need."

It was only a couple of days ago that I was compelled to write a response to someone on-line, "the Pope is on his last legs". 


Osteopath and pioneer in the vaccine safety movement. Sherri Tenpenny has won her two-year battle with the Ohio State Medical Board, which led to a temporary suspension of her medical license, after speaking on the dangers of the Covid-19 at a state health committee meeting. 

Sherri has won her two-year long court battle and her license has been reinstated.

God bless her. 


This is Christian Bob giving Muslims a history less about the crusades at Speaker's Corner at Hyde Park in London,. He is then asked about slavery, the truth be told in five minutes and Muslims are shocked by it. It is well worth a listen. 

Also inside the border of what is known as Afghanistan today, there used to be ancient Greco-Buddhist city. During the excavations, this bust of Jesus was found amongst the remnant of it. Awesome! It is the most accurate depiction of how he appears to yours truly. 

"Healing is the path of salvation and love is the way". Jesus Christ


Howard Cox, Reform Party, has requested the number of postal votes that were sent in for the London Mayoral election. The issue being that postal votes don't currently require ID. Hence that was a loop hole for Khan and his avid supporters. 

Did you know that foreign nationals are allowed to vote in the London election? That includes foreign students. People from all Commonwealth countries are allowed to vote in London, even foreign nationals from two countries that have been suspended from the Commonwealth can vote. EU citizens can vote too.

We require election reform, no foreign national should be allowed to vote in our elections for London Mayor. How is it permitted that a foreign national can vote in this election, but people that were born and bred in London cannot? At present, you have to live in London to be able to vote. 

One of the reasons they pack in so many foreign nationals. The indigenous people of London are now in a minority of 37%. A minority in our capital city, it's outrageous, it's cultural genocide. 

Do you know that 50% of social housing is occupied by foreign nationals? Do you know that 82% of babies born in Brent in one year, were born to foreign nationals? 

A British-Iranian tells you what he thinks of the Khanage in London, an absolute disaster for London.  Sadiq Khan is a man that believes "terrorism" is all part of living in a big city.  

Whomever voted for Sadiq Khan has blood on their hands. Do remember that he is a member of the same Labour Party that bombed Iraq. The same Labour Party that introduced over 100 stealth taxes, no surprise then that ULEZ is yet another tax on motorists that have to travel in London. 

He couldn't even manage the budget and had to have billions of bail out money, numerous times from central government, whilst businesses have closed on his watch. 

Electoral reform required. 

Ban all foreign nationals from voting in our elections, ban all foreign students from voting in our elections. To register to vote you have to present your British passport to obtain registration. Only British passport holders can vote in our elections, only British citizens can vote in our elections. 

Also Mayors to stand down after two terms, term limits to be in the reform of the electoral system. 


 Geoff Buys Cars, on the EV lawsuits, there could also be a class action lawsuit. 


Sunday 5 May 2024


If you didn't think the Green Party were barmy before the local elections, perhaps you will do so now. The Green Party put forward a Mufti and that means Sharia Law. Sectarian voting has been happening in the local elections in the UK and a Mufti was elected has a Green councillor in Leeds.

If you are not appalled by a foreign war taking over the streets of London since October 7th, or the Muslim sectarian voting, are you not appalled at what the business owner accountant shouted after he won his council seat?  He didn't shout that it was a win for the Greens, he shouted it was a win for Gaza, a foreign land. Clearly, his heart is not with all of the people of Leeds or the Green Party, the Green Party was just the way to get on the ballot and have support of the Green activists.

Politics abroad are nothing to do with the local elections, foreign wars are nothing to do with local elections. Which is why, it is even more appalling that another Muslim, Sadiq Khan would mention a former American President during his campaigning for London. 

There is nothing more detrimental for unity than the divisive Sadiq Khan. I watched him in action in the clips of his campaign, he was verbally "brutal" towards Susan Hall and during his London Assemblies, he has shown complete "contempt" for women whose job it is to scrutinise his policies, words and deeds. 

News this evening, the Green Party are now under investigation due to some of their candidates. The Mufti has been involved in harassment of a Jewish university chaplain that was driven from his home. 

There are two Green councillors in Bristol being investigated with one from Peterborough too.

There has also been a watchful eye on Tory candidates too.


This is a video from Stockport Council Watch uploaded on the 10th February, 2024. Public questions on the Electric Vehicle Fleet, Safety & Environment Concerns. 


Rachel from Colchester than reviewed the behaviour of Stockport Council. 



It's the public sector pensions that is a big economic burden in the UK. The public sector get far more than anyone else. In fact, some GPs have had to retire early due to their pension pot reaching £1M. These pensions are being funded by those that can't afford to save for their own future and pensions. 

This is a good article from the Daily Telegraph, titled, 'Have-nots are footing the bill for Britain's privileged public sector'. In my day, that was a reason that many people went to work in the public sector, a job for life and for the sizeable pensions.

Has far as I'm aware even the MEPs from the UK that were elected to the EU Parliament are still entitled to their pensions from the EU parliament too. 

Saturday 4 May 2024


Nine in ten British women say cycling isn't safe. Hence it is a barrier to get more women cycling. 

Cycling paths won't make any difference due to the amount of crime, especially in places like London. 

This means that it doesn't matter how much the government or councils spend on cycle paths, it won't make any difference. Cycle sales are also down to a 39 year low.

Then there is the fact that cycling isn't healthy either, cycling has a detrimental impact upon the pelvic floor and nervous system. Not healthy for your body, not safe either.

UPDATE 7th May, 2024. 

Technology outstrips legislation causing safety issues on the roads. E-bikers appear to have no regard for red lights, pedestrian crossings, one way streets, or right of way. This journalists says that it should be compulsory to wear a helmet, electric bikes should be registered, (all bikes should be) insurance should be mandatory. I agree.


Dear Rachel, I left this message for you, but not sure you received it, due to not hearing from you.

Let me know when you've seen it please, then I can delete the messages to you. 

Hope that you are doing well, I do think of you all often and wonder how you are getting on. 

I look forward to hearing from you and all of your news. 

Many thanks 


Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall is featured in the Daily Mail today, says "forget five a day, you need to eat 30 plants a week". However, most plant foods are high in oxalates, do don't listen to his advice if you are concerned about degenerative and chronic diseases that are caused when the body is in oxalate overload.

Who is he anyway? A celebrity chef and journalist, food writer.

Time he read Sally K Norton's book on "Toxic Superfoods" on the harm that oxalates found in plant food do to the body. Even dogs can suffer from an overload of oxalates. 

Friday 3 May 2024


Qualified NHS GP, Dr Sarah Myhill moved on into holistic healthcare. At the start of this chat, Dr Sarah Myhill reveals the decline and profit agenda. Sarah says that the NHS is broken and beyond repair. During the chat she makes some recommendations. 

I don't agree with Dr Sarah Myhill on no dairy, dairy is really important for eliminating oxalates in the body. In this chat she doesn't mention oxalates and some of the foods that she recommends in specific diets do include high oxalate foods. The issue with crystal oxalates is that they deplete the nutrients in the body. In Sally K Norton's book, "Toxic Superfoods", she discusses the diets that Dr Sarah Myhill recommends to explains why they're not as appropriate as Sarah Myhill believes. 

Kris loves chocolate, I like dark chocolate, but dark chocolate is also high in oxalates. Indeed, a treat not an everyday food. There is a study that found that oxalates induces breast cancer. 

It would be interesting to see Sarah Myhill and Sally K. Norton have a discussion together.