
Monday 20 May 2024


Migrant Watch -v- Social Care Visas and the chaos in the Healthcare industry due to the Home Office handing out visas without thorough vetting. People in care homes have died due to it. When the Chief Medical Officer requested that the English test must be upgraded to include medical terminology, the Home Office replied it was too difficult to do that. 

Outrageous isn't it that people coming to work in the care sector don't even comprehend medical terminology to enable care workers to communicate with NHS 111 and people have died because of it, they didn't he understand the words "Bleeding". "Breathing", "Alive". 

Plus at lot more has been published in reports. "People are not a commodity, without love they become so". Jesus Christ spoke those words to yours truly. Yet, governments have used people has commodities that they can import, instead of paying our own people a proper wage to do the job, and train our own people to care for our people. 

We anticipate that there will be deportations of people that came in on those visas without the qualifications to do the job. They will have to leave our country. 

90% of the housing crisis is due to mass immigration, that's why people can't find and affordable homes. 67% of the rented accommodation in London is occupied by foreign nationals. 

Nearly 50% of social housing is occupied by foreign nationals. That's why there is a housing crisis, it is not because there isn't enough houses, it is because there is far too much immigration. 

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