
Sunday 5 May 2024


If you didn't think the Green Party were barmy before the local elections, perhaps you will do so now. The Green Party put forward a Mufti and that means Sharia Law. Sectarian voting has been happening in the local elections in the UK and a Mufti was elected has a Green councillor in Leeds.

If you are not appalled by a foreign war taking over the streets of London since October 7th, or the Muslim sectarian voting, are you not appalled at what the business owner accountant shouted after he won his council seat?  He didn't shout that it was a win for the Greens, he shouted it was a win for Gaza, a foreign land. Clearly, his heart is not with all of the people of Leeds or the Green Party, the Green Party was just the way to get on the ballot and have support of the Green activists.

Politics abroad are nothing to do with the local elections, foreign wars are nothing to do with local elections. Which is why, it is even more appalling that another Muslim, Sadiq Khan would mention a former American President during his campaigning for London. 

There is nothing more detrimental for unity than the divisive Sadiq Khan. I watched him in action in the clips of his campaign, he was verbally "brutal" towards Susan Hall and during his London Assemblies, he has shown complete "contempt" for women whose job it is to scrutinise his policies, words and deeds. 

News this evening, the Green Party are now under investigation due to some of their candidates. The Mufti has been involved in harassment of a Jewish university chaplain that was driven from his home. 

There are two Green councillors in Bristol being investigated with one from Peterborough too.

There has also been a watchful eye on Tory candidates too.

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