
Saturday 20 April 2024


The UK has rejected the plan for a youth mobility scheme with the EU. The EU would like youth mobility into the UK for 18-30 year olds, that would include free NHS treatments. 

However, if you look on-line, the UK still have youth mobility schemes with 13 countries outside of the EU, while our country is overpopulated. People should only be allowed in if they have a sponsor for a specific job that cannot be filled by a British person. Every job must be advertised to attract British people for the job first. We have a mass of young people that are looking for jobs but find it difficult to even get an interview. 

There isn't enough housing for everyone, the infrastructure can't cope with mass migration that already exists. Mass migration has contributed to the sheer numbers of people requiring help from the NHS that is currently swamped. 

The sewage system is swamped due to the very high population, farmers say our population in the UK is 100M due to the amount of food they provide. Food stores told the media that they're feeding 80M. Sewage workers say its 100M. 

Roads, hospitals, schools, housing are all overstretched. Not only that, many foreigners are standing against the very culture that invited them and we cannot allow that to happen. Say no to cultural genocide, say no to immigration and economic migrants. 

Don't vote Liberal Democrat, the leader of their party would say yes to a youth mobility scheme with the EU. We already have far more EU citizens living in the UK, than the EU does of our people. Proportionally, we even have more migrants than France does, and France is far larger than us. 

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