
Saturday 20 April 2024


This is one of the most significant astrological events during 2024. The Great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus. The last time we had the same conjunction in Taurus was in 1941. Although it does happen in other signs every 14 years. Steve Judd was discussing it with Penny Thornton earlier today, both from England. 

In three hours from now Steve will be discussing it with Rick Levine (US) on a livestream. I can't wait up that long so shall have a listen tomorrow. 

20th April, Great Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus the bull, an earth sign. 

22nd April, Passover begins and 22 is a master number.  Chabad shared on their website that the Jewish sages taught, "G-d only tells us to do that which he does Himself". He tells us to open the door on the nights of Passover. It must be that He does the same. On the nights of Passover, the One Above opens every door and gateway for every single Jew. Regardless of whatever you have done over the past year, on these two nights you can attain the highest levels in a single leap. 

The door is interesting in this context because in the most recent dream that I received, I found some keys that had been mislaid. In real life, I've been using my spare keys the last year. 


There was a great conjunction in the year that I left school and started work, there was one when my son was born. There was also one when I was delivering the Millennium Prophecies at MBS exhibitions in the UK. Hence this conjunction brings major changes into our lives. 

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