
Monday 8 April 2024


There are four candidates standing in the forthcoming election for Gloucestershire's Police and Crime Commissioner. The four candidates include the incumbent Tory, Chris Nelson that is seeking a second term. Ashley Smith is standing for Labour & Co-Operative. The former Independent candidate, Martin Surl is now standing for the Liberal Democrats. 

There is a new Independent standing in Gloucestershire, his name is Matthew Randolph. He asked the people to support him in raising £5,000 so that he could put his name on the ballot and the general public sent him more than he required, that is fantastic support from the people and their good will.

Hence, the people of Gloucester have an important choice to make, select the man that will do the best job for you, a man that is beyond any party affiliations, vote Independent and Matthew Randolph. You can vote on the 2nd May, ID is required if you vote at the Polling Station. 

This video is a short clip of Matthew Randolph at a council meeting.

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