
Tuesday 9 April 2024


The European Court of Human Rights has gone rogue, the ECHR condemns Switzerland for not fulfilling EU dictates on climate change. The EU was originally a partnership of members, sadly, it went rogue. 

It has been proven by scientists that there is no climate emergency. If I was Switzerland, I'd leave the EU. The UK, also has to leave the ECHR, we can't have a rogue court or any organisation telling our country what to do. The role of government is to protect its own citizens. 


"Switzerland's biggest political party demands withdrawal from the Council of Europe after "scandalous" ECHR ruling that will force the country to implement climate change policies." 

The Swiss say that the Human Right courts job is to dispense justice not make policy. Although it is made clear that the ECHR is making the climate agenda a human right issue. 

So what about the Human Rights of all of the people that don't agree with the ECHR, and the WEF agenda to remove 30% of our farmers from our farmland by 2030?

Food is a Human Right, Dissent is also a Human Right in international law.  I do not consent to farmers being removed from their land, I do not consent to any climate or green agenda to fill the pockets of billionaires. I do not consent to the ECHR having any say over what action we take in England either. 

Food security is essential for every individual country, self-sustainability is also the responsibility of individual countries. 

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