
Thursday 14 March 2024


The Jerusalem Post have provided a report today that the Home Office did a one-eighty, 24 hours before a court hearing to defend its rejection of an asylum application of an Arab-Israeli. 

The man in question has been operating has an activist in the UK and promoting anti-Israel political views. I'm sure that he is one of many that have been attending the anti-Israel protests on the streets of London since October 7. Is that why he doesn't want to be deported back to Israel? Is it because he is an Islamic activist that has been operating in our country? Like other NGO's operate in our country to undermine our democracy. 

Frank Magennis is his barrister, the name of the legal firm that hired him is Riverway. A criminal complaint was made against the barrister in November by the UK Lawyers for Israel group, after Magennis that uses the name "Free Palestine" on social networks glorified the massacre on October 7 on social media. 

There are some very dodgy people operating in the legal system in the UK, they too are undermining our democracy that includes Riverway.

On this link you can see a photograph of the barrister, this is from October 2023.

The barrister is also an activist and joined the picket line outside a London hospital in 2022.

So let us take another dive into this story, the man that says that he's an Arab with Israeli' citizenship, says he's been living in the UK since he was a one year old and he came to the UK with his mother and his five siblings. 

He has only ever been to Israel once as a teenager when he was 14 years old. He is now 23, and he wrote that his previous lawyers dropped his case. (They could see it was political?) 

So he found new lawyers to take over when he instructed Tahar Gulamhussein and Fahad Ansari at Riverway Law. Fahad Ansari is also a Muslim activist with the slogan of "from the river to the sea", on his twitter/X page. You know what that means don't you? That lawyer would like to wipe Israeli's off the map. 

Not surprising then that the 23 year old who found some anti-Israel lawyers to represent his case also has mental health issues. Honestly, if you read what he has written himself on this link, it is very clear that this is a political, anti-Israel case with lawyers and a barrister that is also anti-Israel. 

However, how could the Home Office deny the young man when the Home Office allowed his whole family to stay in the country for two decades? Or did they not know that they were living in our country? We still don't have the full story do we? 

This is his crowdjustice page trying to raise money to pay for his legal costs. If he's only been to Israel once, then he doesn't know hardly anything about Israel at all, he was just a teenager too he says. Plus if he has only been to Israel once, then how does he have Israeli citizenship? Why didn't his mother not register his birth in the UK when he was a one year old? If indeed the story is true!

So what does UN Watch actually say about claims like his? This is the response from UN Watch, there is no apartheid in Israel. Yet, he cites UN Watch has supporting his case of apartheid, they don't!

UPDATE 14th 

Part of the story is featured in the Daily Mail today, there are many questions not asked by the Daily Mail journalist. The claimant wrote himself that he was 23, Daily Mail says he's 24. So who knows how old he is! For instance why didn't his mother apply for his residency 20+ years ago? And in what immigration position is his five siblings and mother in? The Daily Mail article says he hasn't been able to work his whole life, whereas his crowd funding page says he is an artist! The journalist that wrote that article didn't do any of his own research on the case did he? Looks like a press release sent in by the lawyers!

However, being allowed to stay doesn't mean that it is permanent. He could still get kicked out of the country for committing a crime on the London protests. The Home Office could still send him back to Israel after the war is over, if in fact that is where he had been born. 

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