
Tuesday 12 March 2024


There were 56,000 respondents to the first questionnaire on the veterinary industry received by the Consumer Watchdog. They found that there was a lack of prices listed in veterinary surgeries and the regulatory framework for the sector is outdated and no longer fit for purpose. An overconcentration of vet ownership in certain areas. The sector is worth 2BN and pet ownership has risen by two-thirds since 2020. 

Personally, I found the emergency vets to be the most expensive, due to a majority of vets being closed at the weekends due to them operating like GP surgeries. The emergency services are very very expensive and they try to get you to spend has much as they can. They were asking for £450 to keep my dog in overnight for observation and they tried to get me to sign off £3,000 for the emergency treatment and tests. 

You can read more about their findings in the Daily Mail article. The Consumer Watchdog are now going to do a full market investigation

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