
Wednesday 21 February 2024


The Duran report on the Rishi Recession. Two recent by-elections for MPs went to Labour and there is a third by-election in Rochdale, on the 29th February. Labour and the Greens are not contesting the seat in Rochdale and that has made way for a former Labour MP, George Galloway, a Muslim convert. 

The bookies favourite to win that seat is George Galloway, although I think REFORM could definitely increase their vote in Rochdale. Tommy Robinson has been campaigning and joined a protest in Rochdale this year against the Islamist rape gangs that are still operating in the area. 

There is a 30% Islamic population in Rochdale and George Galloway is campaigning strongly for Gaza that a majority of Muslims support. Not once did George Galloway mention the girls that are still being raped by Muslims in Rochdale. 

Former police officer, Maggie Oliver says it's still going on in Rochdale. 2mins. Maggie Oliver demands institutional change. I'd go further than that and demand mass deportations. 

60% of Rochdale voters, voted for BREXIT in the referendum and immigration is still a major issue for the indigenous British people living in Rochdale. Rochdale has also seen one of the highest intakes of illegal migrants and is one of the poorest areas of the country. There hasn't been any levelling up in Rochdale. I think Maggie Oliver should have been the Reform candidate or stand has an independent. 

The REFORM candidate says it is far more aggressive since the last time that he stood for election in Rochdale and he is concerned that there will be trouble and violence in the last week of the campaign.  Voters would have to come out in force to vote for Reform, if they choose to keep George Galloway and his Muslim crusade out.

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