
Wednesday 21 February 2024


The awakening of the soul of Ireland, an official trailer, 5mins. 

A sovereign people stand on the edge of oblivion. 

"The difference between survival and extinction is the sound of a human voice. A voice rising from the soul of a nation refusing to go gently into the 'good night'. In Eire at this crucial juncture in her history, her soul is speaking through the hearts of poets, artists, philosophers and visionaries. The voices emerging from the deep within this mysterious, mystical and magical land. A land where forces are now gathering for a final battle. A battle not fought with bullets and bombs but with words and voices. "

An Irish businessman shared that the Irish voted to stay in the EU because that they were told that the people of England would vote to stay in. Trading with England was important to the Irish. Now the Irish are still in the EU with England out of it. Hence, Ireland is still having to put up with the free movement of people into their country. I asked the Irish how do the economic migrants arrive in Ireland, being that it is an Island, they shared that the migrants are flying in and they dispose of their passports and documentation during the flights. 

The issue for England is that once migrants manage to get a passport in Ireland, they then have entitlement to move to England. I met an African woman that had three children, managed to get Irish passports, then moved to England. I asked her why? She replied that her son was good at football and there were more opportunities in England. 

Plus she viewed it that there was better education possibilities for her children and more work opportunities in England. However, the latest report states that there are over one million legal migrants that are out of work in England and Wales. Hence, there aren't has many opportunities in England has migrants think there is. There is a guy from Syria that is sleeping rough in London, begging to be deported back to Syria. The roads are certainly not paved with gold, like some thought. 

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