
Saturday 13 January 2024


Every day this last week I had received a dream. This morning I could remember this morning's dream after getting up from bed. 

A six bed house had been made a lot larger, it might have even been joined with the house next door that was the same size. The house owners had done a nice job of the house, alas, the house was overcrowded with 50 people living in the house. One floor of the house had loads of desks and computers with people working from home. That is when I saw how overcrowded it was. 

The house owners e.g. land lords were either unaware or ignored the injunction that existed on the property. There were young people everywhere in the overcrowded property and the house owners were raking it in. 

Then when I read the news in the Daily Mail, today, there is an article about the plans of Michael Gove. The article states that householders will be able to add up to 7 storeys to their homes without planning permission under Gove's new plans for local street referendums. The scheme is "densification", because clearly the UK doesn't have room for everyone. 

I will give you an example; a tiny two up, two down, terraced house has applied for planning permission to change the tiny house into two flats. There is no emergency exit if there were ever a fire. The only exit is the front door. There is no off-street parking and there is no room for recycling bins inside or outside.

Yet, Jeremy Clarkson isn't allowed to do hardly anything to improve his farm due to the local council. 

In dream interpretation, to dream of an old house can signify a reunion of an old association. If you know how many people were featured in your dream it can signify an increase in personal power and/or prestige. The numeric of 50 is interesting because it is a biblical numeric. 

The UK is overcrowded already, densely overpopulated and people in the UK live in the smallest spaces in Europe. 

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