
Saturday 13 January 2024


Sky shares on the Grand Aquarian Shift of the Sun and Pluto. The last time that Pluto was in Aquarius was in the 1700's when there were revolutions in the west. In America, in England and France. With Pluto in Aquarius it is a return to the uprising of the people in the west, when the people have had enough! 

Has Sky says, "Aquarius is a fixed sign", being an Aquarian water carrier myself, once we've made our mind up, there is no shifting us from what we know to be true. Truth and integrity is incredibly important to the sign of Aquarius. 

We don't like speculation, we can take a risk and be spontaneous, only if and when it is well grounded in reality. Aquarius is great at teamwork, we like working in a creative team to achieve something that benefits the team. We are great givers and it is more blessed to give than to receive, we give of our time, money and resources when it is most required to help others to be victorious. 

Of course, your north node soul journey and the rest of your birth chart does impact upon what is written above and depending on your chart some areas will be more emphasised than others. 

This is what Sky has to say about this transit that begins on the 22nd January, in the summer Pluto will transit back into Capricorn until November, then after that Pluto will be staying in Aquarius for the next two decades, so it is a long transit of change. Aquarius likes change in their younger years, they're not so keen on moving away from stability in their latter years. 

In this timeline, safety and security are important because of the sheer awareness, hindsight and insight that the water carrier has in her grasp. In scripture, even Jesus spoke of wisdom being a she and that the wondrous woman from heaven would be called for divine purpose.  The eccentric Aquarian can instil common sense, right action is crucial and imperative when the Aquarian is aligned with divine purpose and God's will. 

If and when you find world events low energy, that is impacting upon you, shift upwards into the higher realms of spirituality and healing and always remember to count your blessings. My lovely Aries dog is a blessing in my life, I also have clothes to keep me wrapped up, I have plenty of food and heat. This Aquarian isn't keen on cold weather at all, my body and olive skin was made for the sun. 

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