
Tuesday 30 January 2024


The Liberal Democrats have taken a hit in a recent Westminster poll. The battering is over LibDem leader, Ed Davey and his involvement in the Post Office scandal. His resignation has been called for. The party has plummeted to 7% from 13% and that is since December.

I think they will improve on that before the general election, especially if they get a decent new leader.  Even at 13% it is very low indeed. I must admit a lot of people feel politically homeless. The Liberal Democrats, Labour and the Greens all stick together with the globalists. 

The Conservatives haven't been conservative enough the last 14 years, in fact, they haven't been conservative at all.  And I could never vote for the Labour party. I still remember the harm Labour did and the 100 stealth taxes they introduced last time they were in power. 

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