
Tuesday 30 January 2024


French farmers target Aldi and Lidl, as protests spread across Europe. "Tractors block retailer's distribution hubs over 'unfairly low prices', producers warn UK supermarkets that they could face supply issues".

Farmer's Weekly report that these protests in France have taken Macron by surprise.

Aldi is German owned, I don't shop at Aldi since they moved locations. 1. The location is too overcrowded to drive to and from.  It is not an ideal location for a lot of traffic. 2. The aisles in the new store are too small and it can be claustrophobic. 3. They stopped selling taco beans that I now get from Lidl. 

Lidl is also German, and I do food shop at Lidl most of the time.  It's easy to get around, plenty of room in the aisles, a nice range of produce and products. In fact, it is the only supermarket where I can get a specific coconut yogurt that I eat everyday for breakfast. Coconut is great for copper and magnesium and dairy is great for reducing oxalates in the body. 

They've blocked Toulouse airport today. 

The news this evening is the French Farming leaders are demanding that all produce imported from Ukraine must be stopped completely. They say it is not up to the same standard has French produce and Ukrainian produce is undercutting their own, whether it be poultry or cereals. All EU member states have specific EU regulations and standards, whereas, Ukraine doesn't. 

Also the sheer volumes and lower quality is destabilising the European market. They believe that French farming is being sacrificed on the altar of war, because it is helping to fund the Ukrainian war. Hence there are many reasons why the farmers have had enough and refuse to budge. 

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