
Saturday 30 December 2023


Lord Morse is the chair of the Office for Local Government (Oflog), he said, "that all town halls in special measures were failing because of poor governance rather than budgetary shortfalls". 

A former head of the National Audit Office, Lord Morse said, "All of the failures that we've seen so far, all of the authorities that are in special measures, are not primarily attributable to a shortage of money; they're to do with failures in management or failures in governance. I really can say that quite definitely". 

Newly released data highlights a substantial surge in council revenues over the past decade. "Council revenues have surged whilst mismanagement concerns are raised amid bankruptcy fears" report the Daily Express.

I remember when Gordon Brown was telling the councils to invest their money in Icelandic banks, we all know what happened then. Our local council "lost" 4 M of tax payers money. Who gives the council the right to gamble with our money in foreign banks? That's just one example of mismanagement. Plus they've been selling off property assets for years to fund what has become known as "vanity projects". 

The amount of money spent on diversity and cycle lanes is also shocking. Is cycling healthy for you? Definitely not, cycling is detrimental for the pelvic floor and the nervous system of the body. 5g is detrimental for the body, so are smart meters. 

Local councils don't appear to comprehend the health risks of some of the new technology, councillors are not technology experts. Nor are they specialists in best practice for health either has can be seen by the decisions that they make. More houses and shopping malls = less green space = less oxygen and more environmental concerns with less habitat for wildlife. 

It's often the case that they come up with new road schemes and then have to reverse them because they're not working. Wasting millions in the process while they learn what doesn't work. Car parks weren't built for the heavy weight of SUV's or inflammable EV'S. The recent collapse of the car park at Luton Airport is an example of that. My advice, don't park in a multi-storey car park because the risk and danger is increasing. 

In a recent case with one of the local councils, a former MP told the council that their masterplan was "a load of dross". 

It has been highlighted in the comment section of this article, that local councils are businesses but unfortunately, they're not run by businessmen and businesswomen. Local government requires an overhaul, it's seriously not working for the best interests of the people. 

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