
Saturday 30 December 2023


Connor Tomlinson gives his take on the UK's record migration stats. "People Polling found that 53% of the British Public want a five-year moratorium on all migration. So, few migrants, more babies, and a Britain that the native population can believe in again". 

He gives an excellent summary of the situation and the prospects for the future in this short interview of 2 minutes. 

One of the excuses for bringing in foreign nationals is to feed low paid jobs in the leisure industry. My response is that we don't require tons of coffee shops, large chains of coffee shops, if they can't get the staff let them close. Let the existing job market decide and respond to the obvious market forces. 

The same with Indian restaurants, can't get the staff, then those people can move to countries where they can get the staff that they require. Don't let a lack of staff be an excuse to import anymore. The less you import, the less there is a burden on the finances and infrastructure of our country. We have to break the never ending cycle that has spiralled out of government control. 

A local garage franchise had all British staff, the franchise changed hands, the female British manager was replaced with a foreigner, then all of the British staff were replaced with new migrants that were imported and sponsored by the new franchisee. A petrol garage doesn't have any reason to import workers, we already had British staff in those jobs. Those are just a few examples, there are many more.  

Has the government of Pakistan have said, migrants are taking our jobs. Pakistan is expelling 1.7M Afghans and sending them back to Afghanistan. They're also deporting all undocumented migrants and so-called refugees from other countries too.  If Pakistan can deport that many people, so can the UK deport that many people that are not contributing to the financial welfare of our country. 

It has already been analysed that a person with a family has to be earning over £40,000 a year to be a contributor to the country. Low paid jobs are not providing that and it is one of the reasons that our country is trillions in debt. 

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