
Sunday 24 December 2023


On the 20th December, 2023, I had a dream of hospital doctors in the NHS being in chaos.

Dr Phillip McMillan explains what Geert Vanden Bossche was saying in a recent interview, when he gave his warning predicting a large eruption following the Covid injections. 

Geert says that this is a major risk to the injected. Although Phillip thinks that the people that didn't take the injections are also at risk, although are in a much healthier condition due to not having taken the injections. 

Geert is on X and has linked to his Substack with this uploaded article. "Misinterpretation of acute antibody response after administration of updated booster vaccines to Covid-19 vaccine recipients conveys a dangerously misleading public health message". 

Bear in mind that the former VP of Pfizer, Mike Yeadon said, that 17M people have already died from the injections. 

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