
Saturday 23 December 2023


Researchers from the National Taiwan University Hospital looked at the medical records of 8,000 patients, and they found that those using corticosteroid creams and ointments that constrict blood vessels and dampen inflammation, were at an increased risk of developing osteoporosis and suffering a fracture over five years.

These creams and ointments are prescribed to patients with skin conditions and a majority of patients are not aware that the skin is part of the immune system. Never use steroid creams even if a GP prescribes it. 

I recommend Castor Oil for Psoriasis and other skin conditions, it even gets rid of skin tags and is good for joints. Castor Oil is most effective with heat treatment, so after applying it directly onto the skin or scalp you can apply a hot towel or flannel. Or you could put it on and then get into a sauna. 

Our local Dermatology Dept is recommending a product called EMOLLIN, that is effective on the scalp  and skin, although it is quite expensive compared to Castor Oil, because 150ml of emollin only lasts about a week and you can't get it on prescription in the UK. GPs have stopped prescribing a lot of products that are now considered by NHS England to be for self-care. 

I can buy a litre of Castor Oil from Nikura in London for £14.99, in fact I bought some this week. 

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