
Saturday 2 December 2023


Another dream during the night, this time I was at an event and it looked like an event for broadcasters. I was accompanied to the event by a man that once lodged at my home in England and I introduced him to Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson was smiling as usual. Elon Musk was also at the event. The venue felt like a large room in a hotel and the lights were bright. Has we know Tucker launched on X owned by Elon Musk. 

So many dreams of different famous people received recently. David Bowie, Johnny Depp, Elon Musk, Tucker Carlson. Even Nigel Farage. 

In dream interpretation, to dream of someone famous is encouraging you to keep on trying, help will come from an unexpected source. 

So what's the news about Tucker Carlson? Steve Bannon was asked by GB News America if Tucker would be Trumps pick for VP, Bannon responded that Trump will have a female VP with him in the next election. Although, Tucker Carlson could certainly become President in the future. 

Tucker enjoys broadcasting and speaking tours. He is an excellent orator. Tucker says he doesn't have a television in his home, his household are book readers. This is a recent podcast interview with Tucker. 

What do Tucker and Elon Musk have in common? They can't be "blackmailed" and they can't be "bought" with advertising from the corporations that have been dictating to humanity. Both of these men stand firm for the American constitution. These men won't stand against their own heart of conscience or moral compass. 

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