
Saturday 2 December 2023


While reading the comments section of an article on the latest situation with the war, I received a message. 

The comment written by Hi-Yo Silver in response to the article: 

"Imagine the peace if only Hamas hadn't butchered 1,400 innocent people on the 7th October".

Immediately, after I read the comment, I received the message "diastra". 

Diastra is the feminine of Diastro. The word can be traced to Dalmatian and then to Latin. The adjective can mean right.

The translator detects Greek and it translates it to Star. In Aramaic, di can be found and it translates to who, which, that, because. Strongs 1768. 

The comment is right, there wouldn't be a war if Hamas had not started it on the 7th October. Alas, how many people in Gaza, the West Bank or internationally are calling out the "terrorists"? Will the UN? Some hostages claim that they were held by a teacher and a doctor that work for UNRWA in Gaza. UNRWA is the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. The Red Cross refused to deliver life saving medication to the hostages too. 

Hamas broke the ceasefire on the 7th October, they broke the ceasefire again on the 1st December. They cannot be trusted, not even the Al Jazeera broadcaster. Have a read of this story.

Over 30 different nationalities were taken hostage on the 7th October, Muslims were also taken hostage by Hamas. 

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