
Saturday 4 November 2023


 While looking on-line for jumpers for the winter-time, the message received. 


The Cambridge dictionary "To scale something up and can mean to increase the size, amount or importance". The Oxford dictionary, "To increase the number of something". It can also indicate to increase the amount of something. 

The British government has a visa called "Scale-up worker visa". Both the private and public sector have to be paying a certain salary to sponsor someone for a "Scale-up visa". Although a lot of these salaries are very low for the jobs involved. Salaries haven't increased in real terms since the 80s while the cost of living has soared. 

In the 80s I was able to purchase a three bedroomed Victorian house for £26,500 and then replaced it with a six bedroomed house for £36,000 to renovate. I was in my 20s and 30s at the time, young people can't afford to purchase a home now due to the high cost of property, inflated property prices due to mass immigration, material and building costs.

There are immigration barristers that help people to get these work visas and they say it is a route to settlement in the UK. Applicants may be joined by a partner and dependent children. This is one of the reasons that there are so many foreign nationals working in the UK. There are far too many people making money out of immigration, as such, supporting it.

Although if jobs go the way Ai technology techies are proposing, there won't be any jobs for a majority of people in the future. Elon Musk says he is concerned about how people will find meaning in their lives, he probably means because careers and work give people a purpose with a desire to succeed. It also gives young people structure and stability in their lives and something to strive for. 

There's a song called, "UP THE SCALE". 

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