
Sunday 5 November 2023


On the 29th of October, the heavenly Father said "Aleinu".  Last night, he said it again while I was communicating on-line, "Aleinu".

Let us know when the Hamas terrorists return the hostages alive and well, when they beg for forgiveness, the Son of God, Jesus the Jew is waiting. It's also important to note that Hamas is a registered "terrorist" organisation in the UK and the US. Anyone that supports Hamas on our streets or on-line can have their citizenship, student and work visas revoked and they can also be deported back from whence they came. 

No longer can Hamas be allowed to "terrorise" anyone and that includes the people of Gaza. The people of Gaza can be free once Hamas is gone. Let us remember what Samson did in Gaza, also some of the Jewish prophets delivered prophecy about Gaza, Jeremiah, Amos, Zephaniah, Zechariah. Gaza is also mentioned in the book of Acts. 

News today, further evidence of the fact that Hamas hides behind women and children to protect themselves, Hamas has no concern for women and children because they use them has human shields. The IDF have found rocket launchers close to a children's swimming pool in Gaza. In close proximity to civilians homes. How can children comprehend such atrocities that Hamas commit, they cannot.

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