
Saturday 18 November 2023


Mass immigration brings diseases with it, whether you import animals or people. One of the reasons that importing dogs from Eastern Europe has been given a temporary ban by DEFRA. For the sake of our bio-diversity in the UK, the ban should be permanent. 

In the last 20 years rickets were found in children again in the UK and the medics reported that it was due to women wearing black burkas while pregnant. 

Today, another disease is in the news, and the most cases are in London and then other areas of the UK that have high immigration levels. "The latest NHS data shows there were more cases of the sexually transmitted infection gonorrhoea in England in 2022 than at any other time since records began more than 100 years ago". The Express pinpoints the areas on a map and it includes Manchester and Newcastle.

Also reported today that the Taliban have become the people smuggling gangs on the border of Serbia with Hungary and they're armed. Europe's borders look like a war zone. 

"Writing on X, Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orban wrote: Every country can deal with migration the way that they want to, but they cannot force Hungary to copy the failed policies of Western Europe. We don't want terrorism, gang wars and mini Gaza in Budapest".

Hungary and Poland are intent on staying Christian nations. After WW2, Poland deported 2M Germans back to Germany. If the Polish could deport millions, so can we. Farmers told the Daily Mail that they're feeding 100M people in the UK, a far higher population that the British people have bee told. 

In Farmer's Weekly it was reported that if wasn't for foreign food imports, the UK would run out of food on August 11 every year. Our agriculture cannot support the massive population that now exists, the government are going to have to invest in our agriculture for self-sustainability and food security. Or reduce the population by amount. 

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