
Friday 17 November 2023


In 2018, the conference title was "Toxic Organisations: Managerialism, & Neoliberalism". 

Text with this introduction to the conference. 

In their quest for efficiency, the culture and managerial practices of many contemporary institutions are not only toxic to the psychological well being of employees, but ironically, they also end up decreasing efficiency. 

A hyper-rationalist, scientistic, bio-medicalised conception of the human condition has come to dominate all aspects of social life from psychology to contemporary managerial practices, from social health care to education. Professionals and institutions are increasingly being required by New Public Manageralists to provide evidence to justify their activities. Social policy itself claims to be evidence based. 

And so it has come to pass that only the countable counts. Governments, regulators, are in thrall to targets and outcomes in the name of economic efficiency, which in itself has resulted in the fetishization of measurement. 

In a climate of deregulation and marketization cost-cutting masquerades has efficiency. This leads to an unrealistic burdensome workload and responsibility combined with diminished autonomy. All this takes place within a coercive regime of accountability through which performance is continually audited. 

The stress levels produced whilst trying to survive in this sort of milieu manifests in the form of domestic difficulties, psychological crisis and physical illnesses. Habitually, these illnesses are pathologized and individualised and referred to has mental disorders, to be treated by CBT or medication. 

The rationales for the whole endeavour are provided by Neoliberalism and its sanctification of the market.

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