
Monday 13 November 2023


So it begins, the backlash in response to the unelected back-stabber Rishi Sunak. The first MP, Dame Andrea Jenkyns has sent in her letter of no confidence in Rishi Sunak to the 1922 committee today. 

Various junior ministers have also decided to step down from their ministerial posts after the reshuffle.

Inviting the unelected David Cameron back also shows us what a weak man Sunak is. 

Remember it is Cameron and his team that imposed austerity upon the poorest people in the country. He took our country to war against Libya and was party to taking out the Libyan leader against the will of the British people. 

Not only that but he stood against the British public and the will of the people to leave the EU to reduce immigration. Then when he lost the referendum and the people won to exit the EU, he walked out of his job with his tail between his legs and that's how Theresa May was installed. 

Remember it was Cameron that was biting his lip like a little boy when he was on the world stage. 

The polls show us that most voters are against the removal of Suella the brave. One of the polls that I looked at today showed that 88% of the people were against sacking the Home Secretary. Many people that voted for BREXIT agree with Suella. A former Attorney General that knows the law better than Rishi ever will. 

To be honest, I don't think the unelected back-stabber Rishi can last very long now. Parting ways with Suella is the last straw for many voters that agree with her on the protests and immigration. I read earlier today that universities are spending £500M a year with recruitment agencies to find them foreign students. 

Education and immigration has been big business, keeping a lot of lecturers and academics in highly paid jobs. Which is why so much of academia support immigration against the will of a majority of the British people. Another reason why there are so many students on the protests in London. 

Another protest march is organised for Wednesday near the Houses of Parliament, apparently, it is because there is a debate and vote on a ceasefire.  No protest will make any difference to how MPs vote, remember one million people marched to stop the war against Iraq and Tony Blair took absolutely no notice. 

So enough of the protests on our streets. Enough is enough. It is a National State of Emergency.

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