
Saturday 28 October 2023


New moon and lunar eclipse, 28th October, 2023 and I received two dreams at dawn.  

In the 2nd dream I was being attacked by a man, I broke free from him, after that I found myself talking to Nigel Farage and he was smiling at me. The punchline when I spoke to him "I deserve this home". Had I won something? The Lunar eclipse is in Taurus and Taurus likes the home and homeland. I have Taurus in my birth chart, in the 4th and 5th house. 

In dream interpretation to suffer an assault can mean that you will be given some information that can be of great value to you. Interesting the word "value" with the words "home" and "deserving". Dreaming of a person that is well-known, e.g. Farage, can indicate that help is coming from an unexpected source. Earlier in September, I received another dream, it included an historic house in London, see the blogpost on that dream.

What does scripture say? Jesus said that the workers deserve their wages. Luke 10:7, from experience the reward can come in many different ways, the elders who have taught and led effectively are honoured and the rewards come after a mission is completed. 

If the first dream is brought forth to my remembrance, I will update this post. In this video Israeli's sing a Psalm and it includes the mountains. In symbology, the mountains are symbolic of the prophets, e.g Moses in Sinai, Elijah on Mount Carmel. 


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