
Friday 27 October 2023


Yet, another young woman died suddenly, a young mum, age 29. A post- mortem found that she died from a sudden heart attack after a blood clot on her lung. The inquest will take place at the Black Count Coroner's court on November 1. The first question is how many Covid injections did she have, did she have them at all? Excess deaths are soaring which is why Andrew Bridgen has brought a debate forward in parliament. 

The lawyers representing her family are concerned that West Midlands Ambulance Service paramedics misinterpreted Lauren's ECG readings and told her she was fine instead of taking her to hospital. She had been experiencing chest pains and vomiting. She was found dead an hour after the paramedics visit.

Dr John Campbell speaks about excess mortality. This video was uploaded 2 days ago. 

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