
Sunday 27 August 2023


A woman from Los Angeles was advised to follow a plant-based diet after being diagnosed with breast cancer and having a mastectomy. The vegan became so ill that she nearly died.

The issue is that the American medical profession advised that diet for her, when in fact, we have the evidence that oxalates in plant-based foods induces breast cancer and that has been known since at least 2015.

I've just finished reading Sally K Horton's book on "Toxic Superfoods", I highly recommend that everyone is made aware of the dangers of oxalates in a range of common foods and drinks like tea. Sally's book is also available in audio and e-book. For any vegans or vegetarians reading this blogpost, Sally herself became very ill when she was on a plant-based diet for decades. That led her on a journey to find the cause.

Awareness is the key to improving your health. The more that you know about what you are consuming, the more that you can make informed and better choices for yourselves and your families. 

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