
Sunday 27 August 2023


Whether we agree or not, this report is on Neptune in Pisces and the impact that it could be having on the people on the planet. In my chart I have Neptune in Libra and the Mercury in my chart is in Pisces. 

Pisces is very emotional and emotive, feminine in its energies, sensitive, has such, when Neptune is in Pisces it is even more so. This transit will last until January 2026 when it moves into Aries. Neptune transits are generational, so what has happened since 2011 has impacted upon a whole generation. If this transit has been kind to you, then you are very fortunate. If it hasn't, then it might be an idea to look at how you have grown in the last decade. 

He says that it is feeding the growth of the Aquarian. Mature Aquarians are quite good at riding the waves and not taking anything for granted. Although we don't like being taken for granted either. We can embrace change easily if it is for the betterment of our people, culture and the future of our children. 

I view it has humanity being shown how deep the divide is, how different cultures differ from each other, how far the boundaries go, how different individuals are to each other. For instance in the UK, Carl Benjamin shared a report that 76% of British people think that the UK is broken and in huge decline, because people can see it everywhere. 

80s solutions are not appropriate or even welcome in this timeline, tax cuts won't solve the 21st century demise of western nations that the people can see with their eyes wide open. Whatever the economic situation is, it can't solve the huge crisis that is afoot in our western nations e.g you can't fit 100 houses in a space that was meant for 10. 

You can't fit millions of immigrants into tiny Islands, the space and landmass is far too small. The more houses that are built, the more concrete covers the land, the more natural habitat is removed, the bigger the detrimental impact on the environment and eco-system. Why should the billionaire Rishi Sunak care? His family home is a mansion in the Yorkshire countryside. Don't think he will be housing immigrants in a new estate in his garden. So why should anyone else have to suffer it? 

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