
Saturday 11 March 2023


Venus moves into Taurus on the 16th March until the 11th April, 2023. Taurus loves its home life and making a lovely home, a good time for spring cleaning, love your home and it loves you right back. My home is my sanctuary, it was the same for my parents, they created a lovely family home for us to enjoy. It was their sanctuary. I think my mother had strong Taurus in her birth chart, her home meant so much to her. Everything was perfect and had it's place.

I always like the Venus transits. I have Taurus in the 4th and 5th Houses in my chart. On the 7th March, Saturn also moved into Pisces. I always view Pisces aligned with Christians due to the fish symbology. 

Roland Legrand takes a look at this forthcoming transit for 30 minutes.There are certainly signs in the heavens on big changes coming with Pluto moving into Aquarius on the 23rd March, the last time that happened was in 1700s. The time of the American revolution, the French revolution and in the UK, the Industrial revolution. 

So with Venus in Taurus a lot coming forth with the homeland where people have their roots, the country and families that we love. 

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