
Friday 10 March 2023


I've been sharing for years the importance of eating nuts and seeds. Today, the Daily Telegraph have featured a new study of 7,000 people. Walnuts always remind me of a brain. Almonds look like almond shaped eyes. 

Dr Mosley said, "A five-year Spanish intervention study, involving 7,000 older adults, found that the group who were asked to eat nuts more than three times a week were over 40 percent less chance of dying from cancer. And that was after controlling for other lifestyle factors like alcohol consumption, physical activity and smoking. Those are big numbers". 

In fact, research shows that the small foods can reduce your risk of a whole host of problems, including cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

My son has always liked eating nuts and at my age, I ground up my nuts and sprinkle them on yogurt in the mornings for breakfast.  I like ground almond, hazelnuts, walnuts, all types of nuts but those are the ones that I eat the most. Sometimes I cook a chicken sate with peanuts, walnut and coffee cake is also one of my favourites.  Although I don't bake a cake very often, unless there is a celebration of some kind and I have friends to share it with. 

I've cooked meatballs and homemade burgers with ground walnuts in the last week.  Not only that, I also sprinkle a little on my dogs meal sometimes. Grapetree were offering a kilo of walnuts for £8.99, that is a lot of walnuts. In the UK, Grapetree offer a great range of nuts and the quality of the produce and their delivery service is very good. I highly recommend that outlet. 

Interesting that in Flower Essences, Walnut is for CHANGE in your life. 

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