
Tuesday 21 February 2023


Food prices and food shortages caused by Mother Nature says industry expert Mr O'Malley, "single biggest factor behind the crisis was Mother Nature and specifically volatile weather". He also said, "I can honestly say that in 40 years I've been in this trade, I've never seen such high spot prices across such a broad range of products for such a long period of time".

Of course the cost of living crisis impacts upon everyone, and the Daily Mail article says that a majority of our fresh produce comes from Spain. Spain hasn't been immune to the weather either. 

Farmers Weekly reports: "The National Farmer's Union convened an emergency press conference in December and president Minette Batters warned the UK government that other sectors could soon be under threat by a lack of fairness for farmers and growers throughout the supply chain".

The supermarkets that I go too had plenty of food to choose from, although one of the food stores didn't have any courgettes or sweet peppers, a different food store didn't have any cucumbers today. 

Food prices, why farmers get the smallest share and how to change it. 

"With food cost inflation rampant, supermarkets shelves still void of certain products or reliant on imports, campaigners have called for farmers and growers to receive a larger share of the retail food price".

Even more important because the government are phasing out subsidies to farmers and that will make it even tougher for them to survive. The government tells the farmers to diversify and when they try to do so, they get blocked by local councils and the planning departments. 

DEFRA are also very strict with their regulations in the UK. Jeremy Clarkson has been shocked by it. I can highly recommend season 2 from the clips and interviews that I've watched so far. 

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