
Tuesday 21 February 2023


This video was anonymously sent to The Gateway Pundit, a film of James O'Keefe giving a speech to his team about what has happened at Project Veritas and too him. James is a filmmaker, journalist and author. 

You can watch his speech on this link, it is 44 minutes. The Gateway Pundit have titled it, "James O'Keefe's Emotional Resignation Speech From Project Veritas". 

James founded Project Veritas 13 years ago and he has been ousted has the CEO of what he founded by a board of directors, James O'Keefe is Project Veritas, there is no Project Veritas without James. 

This happened straight after James provided the biggest expose in the history of Project Veritas, it was the expose of Pfizer.

James asks why was there a concerted effort to remove him at the same time has the biggest story ever released by PV had been aired with 15 million views of the Pfizer expose. 

It sounds like it is the end of Project Veritas and that James O'Keefe will start anew. Donors are already saying that they won't be donating to PV anymore. Hence it looks like the funding for PV will dry up without its main man that was the inspiration for Project Veritas. 

Project Veritas Board of Directors have made a statement and uploaded a link to it on their Twitter feed an hour ago. In their statement they are focussing on financial issues and independent audits being necessary.

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