
Saturday 8 October 2022


Former police officer, Mark Sexton and his team closed a vax centre and delivered the crime number. This was filmed after the influential British Cardiologist went public with his peer-reviewed paper, asking for all Covid injections to stop immediately. 

Mark shares that five doctors went to 10 Downing Street to discuss stopping the injections immediately. The government refuse to acknowledge it. Everyone keeps on passing the buck the police say speak to the MP's and the MP's tell them to speak to the police.

The police ask a veteran what they would like them to do, the veteran tells the police officer that they swear an oath to protect the people, we pay their wages. The veteran says that we would like you to stand with the people. 

Nuremberg trials are going to happen, Nuremberg 2.0 will happen. The police are told that if any children die after being injected, they are complicit in their fatality. If they don't close the center down the police are told that they will be held personally responsible in a court of law for any fatalities. 

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