
Tuesday 11 October 2022


I haven't been able to post since the last post due to internet down time in our area since Sunday morning. 

On Monday the 10th September, 2022, I received a dream and it began with a neighbour taking my sweets out of my hands. The only sweets that I eat during the year are dark chocolate cranberries. Although I do eat some others at Christmas time and birthdays etc. 

I responded to the woman, that if she didn't stop then I would take legal action against her. 

Then I was in a spa type place and I was looking in a locker and there were messages waiting for me to read. 

The first message I read had been typed and it was cryptic. 

"2,000 frogs went to the farm, the big heads died". 

Then I read the next message, "I will give you a donation of £80 for beauty treatments". I smiled because there is only one man that would say that to yours truly and that is a friend that passed over last year. His family own a farm, he shared lovely stories about it and his family.  

I was about to read the next message and the postmen knocked on the door pulling me out of dream state. 

In dream interpretation if a person was caught has the neighbour was, it is a dream of contrary and signifies good luck. I view it that she took the sweetness out of my hands and that relates to events in 2020 and 2021. Has far as what I said in the dream about taking legal action against her, in dream interpretation, it can be a warning not to gamble and not to speculate. 

I'm not a gambler and I can't afford to speculate. So I don't think that applies in the case of this dream. I think it is more about what impacted upon my life that took the sweetness from it, the gardening and food growing that I was engaged with. It was a wonderful journey that began in 2016 and I did learn so much has I went along. 

Although having the dog now, I wouldn't have the same amount of time to devote to the food growing. I received some good news today about him, his blood test and pancreas tests were fine, he's a healthy 18month old pup again. Although I will be doing a stool test next week. 

So what about the frogs? In scripture the frogs relate to politicians in Rev 16. Although in England, the English used to call the French, frogs, probably because they eat frogs legs. The new female Italian PM called out Macron, brilliantly, for his warmongering in Libya. 

In dream interpretation reading the writing of someone else (although it was typed), 'it suggests that you can be your own best friend by not letting others influence your judgement; don't be tempted to act contrary to your principles.' 


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