
Friday 29 July 2022


Jacob says go to Portugal instead of France. Macron is the issue plus the French workers not turning up to work at the border crossing. The last time I was in France was in the 70s, I took my mother to Paris with her friends, I didn't like the energy in Paris in the 70s, so never went back to France.

All the lefties and remainers are blaming BREXIT, those of us that don't travel to France, don't care about entry to France. If I was travelling, I can think of far nicer countries to travel too,.  There was bound to be difficulties when the changes first became official, anyone that thought otherwise, clearly, didn't think it through. 

It will settle down once French tourism industry has less customers and less Brits are willing to spend their money in France on French produce. There are plenty of other countries that will welcome you, I've always fancied a trip to Portugal. One of the few countries in Europe that I would like to visit for the first time. 

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