
Friday 29 July 2022


I had a dream of a farmer this morning, he was on his tractor and he'd cut the crop in his field early. In the UK, farmers are not allowed to water their crops in a drought, July has been the driest for 111 years. 

So that was my New Moon in Leo dream this morning, it was about farming. 

In dream interpretation a prosperous-looking, well kept farm predicts a life of abundance, simple pleasures and good health. 

If the crop was wheat and it was harvested it forecasts solid achievement in your endeavours. The 28th was the "Day of Winner", and the 29th of July was the"Day of Assessment". My sense is that the farmer assessed the situation correctly. It's now 22 degrees again in my location, predicted to be 23 later in the day. We are supposed to be having hot weather through the weekend, the weather men said next week could be a lot cooler. So make the most of the summer sun while we have it. 

Has scripture says "reap what you sow". 

Farmers Weekly report from Cambridgeshire, the spring Barley yield is lower but the quality is good.

In dream interpretation if the crop was barley, it relates to health, its significance follows the condition of the grain. I can go with that a lower yield, good quality. 

Has Jesus said, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few". Matthew 9:37. 

A report from Harry in the Cotswolds, 29th July, 2022. Drought in England is serious for farmers. 

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