
Saturday 25 June 2022


Sa Ra of "Black Opinion" takes a look at the Roe vs Wade abortion decision. 

When I think of American abortion, I immediately think of Planned Parenthood that were found to be selling the body parts of aborted American babies. Animal Rights activists campaign against animals being experimented on, what about babies? The heartbeat of the baby already exists by 7 weeks and intelligence comes from the heart, scientifically proven. 

What the Supreme Court decision in America actually means is that the decision making process is handed back to the people that live in individual states of America. The outcome is likely to be that women will be able to have an abortion in some states but not others. 

There have been in excess of 64M aborted babies in America, something had to be done about the throwaway mentality and the sheer waste of human life. 

Liberals across the world are in shock by the Supreme Courts judgement that is based upon the constitution. Abortion is not a constitutional right under the constitutional law of America, has such, the Federal government are not responsible for the payment for abortion that comes from the tax payers pockets. 

When people were arguing about "abortion" on the Faith Freedom forum, Jesus responded with these words. "Save the lost soul before you birth a new one". 

Katie Hopkins gives her response. 

Some young women have been using "abortion" has a means of contraception, instead of taking proper precautions. I once met a young woman that had nine abortions, she'd had so many that the doctors told her that if and when she decided to have a child, she wouldn't be able too. 

In fact, many years later she did in fact, give birth to a baby boy who is grown up now. 

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