
Tuesday 21 June 2022


Farmers Weekly have shared that compulsory purchase plans risk short-changing landowners. The changes mean that landowners will be forced to sell their land below market value, the Central Association of Agricultural Valuers have warned. 

They say that the move is one of a growing list of proposals under consideration by the government that seek to erode property rights. 

Compulsory purchase of the countryside for more housing and the infrastructure that it requires.

Whereas what they should be doing is putting a stop on all immigration for ten years. Our country is overpopulated, we live in the smallest homes in Europe and there isn't enough jobs for everyone. The trade unions knew in the 70s that there were not going to be jobs for everyone in this timeline. 

That's why there was so much investment in the leisure industry in the 80s and 90s. Another reason why they tried flexi-time and job share schemes. However, sharing a job doesn't pay the high cost of living that has gone through the roof in the last 40 years. 

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