
Monday 13 June 2022


Petrol is a natural resource, people appreciate that people have to pay for the processing and delivery of the natural, essential resource. However, the British government taking £46 in taxes from a £100 tank of petrol is totally "immoral". 

This article shares with us that on a litre of fuel that costs £1.80, 53p is fuel duty and 30p is VAT, which is charged at 20 per cent. In fact, we pay VAT on the fuel duty, so we are doubly taxed.

I've watched the price of petrol increase every day, who can justify it or the taxes on it? The government is getting an extra £4.4M every single day. 

So what does the bible say? It says that those that are "greedy" and are "swindlers" will not inherit the kingdom of God. In scripture "swindlers" are the "unrighteous". 1 Corinthians 6:9-10. 

Remember the commandment "You shall not steal", Deuteronomy 5:19. 

"Only honest scales and weights are the LORD's." Proverbs 16:11

Remember what Maggie Thatcher said in parliament about the EU, that they intended to make the rich, richer and the poor, poorer. 

It's not just fuel either, my monthly water bill has nearly doubled in 2022, my energy bill has increased by 33%. 

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