
Thursday 16 June 2022


Yesterday morning I had a dream of Carl Benjamin, the dream started with the two of us chatting, then Carl had a baby in his arms. After that Carl's wife joined him with either his mother or mother-in-law. 

A baby can be symbolic of new life, new beginnings, new project etc. Interesting that three different generations were featured in the dream has scripture mentions three generations and how the deeds of the Fathers impact upon the next three generations. 

In dream interpretation if the baby was pleasant it can indicate help via friends. Also if you dream of the parents of others indicates that you can count on the help of friends when you need it. 

When parents appear in a dream, fathers represent authority and mothers symbolise love in dream interpretation. Although all aspects of the dream has to be correlated. 

My view of the dream is that it is about birthing a new project for families. 

UPDATE 27th June, 2022. 

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