
Sunday 1 May 2022


Western governments are inviting disaster.  This lawyer, Alexander Mercouris lives in London, he has been covering the Ukraine situation prior to the recent crisis. He is excellent at analysing geopolitics. 

My view on Angelina Jolie, the actress should be home with her children and not in a war zone with a film crew, her visit was staged.  On Pelosi's visit to Ukraine, we know she and her family have financial interests in Ukraine and that points to the "corruption" and Hunter Biden's laptop. 

I read earlier this evening that the EU are giving weapons to Ukraine in exchange for grains. The more weapons given to Ukraine will increase the length of disaster that is happening in Ukraine. Bearing in mind that the western war was planned years ago against Russia and the Russian people. 

The EU have promised Ukraine that they will provide the funds to rebuild Ukraine. So who do you think in the EU will pay for it? Everyone that lives in any EU country. Europeans will pay for it, just like Europeans are paying for the Covid depopulation agenda. 

Tass have reported that 77,000 Germans have signed a petition against sending arms to Ukraine. 75 ships from 17 countries are trapped in Ukrainian ports. 

This guy says that Kiev have told the Red Cross not to help any of the civilians. Its an eye-opener for anyone that hasn't seen it, it is very graphic, so I warn you prior to you clicking on to it to watch it. 


It was a disaster too for Boris Johnson in the council elections. 

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