
Saturday 30 April 2022


I hope all of our readers are enjoying the Solar Eclipse energies, this partial solar eclipse kicks off the eclipse season this year. 

In the last month there were 14.2K visits to this blog and over 11K were from France. 

So once again, cheers! 

David Palmer shared this morning that the last time we had this planetary configuration was 36 years ago and that was in 1984. So what were you doing at that time? I was building a business for someone else, also running my own part-time business and my son was a year old. This time my dog is a year old. This is him getting in between yours truly and the screen. Big smiles and a whole lotta of love. 

I find it interesting that during this solar eclipse the Depp -v- Heard case has been going on. The Twitter case with Elon Musk going on, plus he also has a connection with AH and ACLU. The plot thickens that cash equals being made an ambassador for ACLU, money talks doesn't it, even when its not your own. 

Has far as Johnny and Amber, they were destined not to work out together, he's a Gemini and she's an Aries, in my personal experience Aries women are the most manipulative women for a man to have a relationship with. He's an Air sign and she's a Fire sign, it was destined to be explosive with those two, especially with the large age gap. The only reasoning I can give for him getting involved with such a young girl is that he was experiencing a mid-life crisis. He will be 59 in June,  a totally different era and generation. 

Funny, how I managed to buy an Aries dog, bless him. Yea, he's very wilful too. My dad was an Aries and because he wouldn't eat properly he ended up in hospital for six weeks. 

Someone loves Alex Jones, he's received a $1M in cryptocurrency from an anonymous person. I feel like holding my hand out, has I've been defending freedom of speech on line for 20 years. What a journey we've all been on. 

Let's have some 80s songs. 

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