
Sunday 15 May 2022


This morning I received this message SPA, Antidotes. A buddy loved his hot tub, although a bubbling hot tub is not a spa.  Venues and facilities that call themselves SPAS today, are not has they were originally in ancient Greece and Roman times. 

In ancient Greece and the Roman era a spa was a natural hot spring and the minerals in the bubbling water were said to help people with arthritis. The last time I was in Italy, in Pescara, an estate agent took me to a place called Caramanico to stay, it is between the mountains and the coastline. At the time we were looking at properties in the area. 

There was a large natural hot spring that people would go to for health reasons in Caramanico.

The Pescara coastline and beach also looked beautiful from a distance and the mountains were behind us. 

Sadly, I won't be travelling anywhere abroad until all restrictions have been lifted due to refusing the Nanotechnology mRNA injections. 

For those that like visiting historic places, Abruzzo and Pescara is certainly worth a visit. The locals were wonderful, I asked them would you like me to come and live here, they smiled and said YES!

We do have some great facilities that are not hot springs in the UK and for value for money, I can recommend Bannatyne Health Clubs. One of my birthday presents was a day at one of their local health clubs. It was wonderful, if this cloudy weather keeps up, I will be going again in June. English weather, one day it is a heatwave, the next day, the sky is filled with clouds with a big temperature drop. I do think it is time to put the winter clothes away. 

I hope you are all having a wonderful Total Lunar Eclipse weekend. 

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