
Sunday 15 May 2022


Friday night I was tossing and turning during the night and it was about the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard case. Then has I was waking in the morning I saw a vision of a dog with a broken leg. In dream interpretation a dream concerning an injury signifies financial difficulties the degree of which will be in ratio to the seriousness of the injury. 

Now has far as the dogs are concerned, Amber Heard's father was legally prosecuted for "cruelty to animals". In her divorce settlement she demanded to be given the two small Yorkshire Terriers. Apparently, Johnny's dog landed in his lap due to his mother becoming terminally ill. 

Johnny was bereaved of his mother during the divorce proceedings and legal threats and blackmail from Amber Heard. The evidence has been seen of the legal documents that were legally threatening Johnny Depp. Now who would give a tiny a dog to someone that has been prosecuted for harming animals? Apparently, Amber Heard did. 

From what I've seen from the photographic and witness evidence so far in this case, the only one out of two that has suffered real injuries and ended up in hospital was Johnny. 

He was born in 1963, the year of the Water Rabbit, the gentle rabbit that makes leaps and bounds. Amber heard was born in the year of the Tiger, a fierce predator. 

Also an earthy Taurus, the bull in the china shop. Totally incompatible they were, no matter how you look at it. She was born on the Aries-Taurus cusp, one of their weaknesses is being "mercenary". Born in the week of power, money makes her feel powerful. Aries is the baby of the zodiac, their key word is "I want". 

Depp gave her everything, and from a female elders point of view, Amber took love for granted. She's an actress that is never satisfied in relationships, another reason that Elon Musk was on the menu to bail her out of the mess that she had created for herself and others. Recently sacked Obama's PR team because they couldn't change the narrative that she chose.

It is a sad state of affairs, when a man is driven to running away to stop the attacks verbally and physically on his manhood and masculinity. A man doesn't like to have to call his bodyguards to protect him from a female. I had a neighbour like Amber, the police were always being called to sort out what was going on with that Taurus too. Her b/f knocked on my door for help too. Although she was heard threatening him not to speak to me. 

Has Johnny has said, "Never fear the truth", that aligns with what Jesus said, about never being afraid and the truth shall set you free. 

Johnny was born on the 9th of June, that is the week of "New Language", and he did learn another language, French. He's a mercurial Air sign, rules the mind and communications. That's why he makes a great actor. Knowing intuitively when to speak and when to be still. However, the Gemini's symbol is the twins, there is more than one side to Johnny. Like the two different sides of his creative energy, being a character in his movies, then being himself in his artwork and music. He has a great sense of humour and people that really know his heart love him. 

Dogs are said to be man's best friend, loyal, unconditional love, Amber didn't like Johnny's friends, because he is loved beyond measure. So interesting that she chose to poop on his side of the bed and then blamed it on the dog. It just goes to show what drugs and alcohol can do to mess up a person's head, when they don't have their head on straight. Never mix the two together, otherwise it is a "remedy for disaster." Also "domestic abuse" is very high in lesbian and bi-sexual women. Have a look at the data Amber! 

Remember the saying, "break a leg". It is an English idiom used in the context of theatre, or other performing arts, to wish a person "Good Luck". Wasn't it Kate Moss that said, that she was lucky to be with Johnny, a man that she trusted and who protected her. Let's have a song from George Michael. He lived next door to Kate Moss. 

Hey Johnny, George said, "You have the right to walk away". George loved his dogs and I was really pleased when he returned home to England to live again. He walked away from living in America, so did Russell Brand, he came home to England for his own sanity. 

I think it was his saving grace. Interesting that Johnny Depp chose to come to England to be with his friends during the gap in the trial, although some say he also went to visit family in Europe. 

The English countryside that is loved by us all that know it in our hearts.  The English green pastures that rejuvenate us. I hope he has a lovely Total Lunar Eclipse, although he is probably already on his way back to Virginia for the trial starting again on Monday. 


There you go, Kate Moss broke a leg while in Switzerland skiing in 2016.

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